Publisher SeriesAbenteuer Geschichte

The Search For Ancient Egypt by Jean Vercoutter 426 copies, 3 reviews1
The Amazon: Past, Present, and Future by Alain Gheerbrant 118 copies, 1 review2
Mahomet : La Parole d'Allah by Anne-Marie Delcambre 76 copies3
The Vikings: Lord of the Seas by Yves Cohat 381 copies, 1 review4
North Pole, South Pole: Journeys to the Ends of the Earth by Bertrand Imbert 141 copies, 3 reviews5
Esclaves et Négriers by Jean Meyer 35 copies, 1 review6
Whales: Giants of the Seas and Oceans by Yves Cohat 57 copies, 2 reviews7
La Terre des Peaux-Rouges by Philippe Jacquin 61 copies9
Lost Cities of the Maya (Discoveries) by Claude Baudez 257 copies, 1 review10
Alexander the Great : Man of Action, Man of Spirit by Pierre Briant 184 copies, 1 review11
De goudkoorts by Michel Le Bris 19 copies12
Van Gogh: The Passionate Eye by Pascal Bonafoux 261 copies, 2 reviews13
Por mares desconocidos by Etienne Taillemite 36 copies14
Fossils: Evidence of Vanished Worlds by Yvette Gayrard-Valy 102 copies, 2 reviews15
Gloria y miseria de las galeras by André Zysberg 16 copies17
Writing: the story of alphabets and scripts by Georges Jean 735 copies, 6 reviews18
Mozart: From Child Prodigy to Tragic Hero by Michel Parouty 126 copies19
Les Sorcières : Fiancées de Satan by Jean-Michel Sallmann 71 copies21
Abenteuer Geschichte, Bd.22, Richard Wagner by Gottfried Rossenfreund 5 copies22
Gandhi: The Power of Pacifism by Catherine Clément 66 copies, 1 review23
Goya: Painter of Terror and Splendour by Jeannine Baticle 103 copies, 1 review24
Au Néolithique : Les Premiers Paysans du monde by Catherine Louboutin 32 copies25
Christophe Colomb : Amiral de la mer Océane by Michel Lequenne 20 copies, 2 reviews26
The Aztecs: Rise and Fall of an Empire by Serge Gruzinski 222 copies, 1 review28
Marco Polo et la Route de la soie by Jean-Pierre Drège 53 copies, 1 review30
The Search for Ancient Greece by Roland Etienne 225 copies, 2 reviews31
Volcanoes: Fire from the Earth (Discoveries) by Maurice Krafft 83 copies32
The Crusaders: Warriors of God by Georges Tate 185 copies, 2 reviews33
Les Incas: Peuple du soleil by Carmen Bernand 155 copies, 1 review34
Rembrandt: Master of the Portrait by Pascal Bonafoux 137 copies, 1 review35
Het goud van Byzantium by Michel Kaplan 46 copies36
Toulouse-Lautrec: Scenes of the Night (Abrams Discoveries) by Claire Freches-throy 82 copies, 1 review37
The Life and Lore of the Elephant by Robert Delort 104 copies38
Birth of the Universe (Abrams Discoveries) by Xuan Thuan Trinh 107 copies, 1 review39
Naar de bronnen van de Nijl by Anne Hugon 28 copies40
Shakespeare: Court, Crowd and Playhouse (New Horizons) by François Laroque 83 copies, 2 reviews41
Les Étrusques : la fin d'un mystère ? by Jean-Paul Thuillier 51 copies42
Picasso: Master of the New Idea by Marie-Laure Bernadac 135 copies43
Signs, Symbols and Ciphers by Georges Jean 181 copies, 3 reviews44
The Celts: Conquerors of Ancient Europe by Christiane Eluere 284 copies45
The Story of Rock: Smash Hits and Superstars (Discoveries) by Alain Dister 55 copies46
La Légende de Carthage by Azedine Beschaouch 22 copies47
The Wisdom of the Buddha by Jean Boisselier 180 copies, 3 reviews48
Cleopatra: The Life and Death of a Pharaoh by Edith Flamarion 121 copies50
Birth of the Motion Picture by Emmanuelle Toulet 121 copies, 1 review51

