Publisher SeriesDover Books for Engineers

Advanced dynamics of a system of rigid bodies by Edward John Routh 3 copies
Airplane Structural Analysis and Design by Ernest E Sechler 7 copies
Analytical Mechanics of Gears by Earle Buckingham 8 copies
Applied Hydro- and Aeromechanics by Ludwig Prandtl 33 copies, 1 review
Applied mechanics for engineers by Charles E. Inglis 1 copy
Basic Electronics by U.S. Bureau of Naval Personnel 105 copies, 1 review
Basic Theory and Application of Transistors by U.S. Army 22 copies
Differential equations for engineers by Philip Franklin 2 copies
Engineering Mathematics by Kenneth S. Miller 7 copies
Flux linkages and electromagnetic induction by Loyal Vivian Bewley 7 copies
Gaseous Conductors by J.D. Cobine 5 copies
Inductance Calculations by Frederick W. Grover 20 copies
Introduction to applied mathematics by Francis D. Murnaghan 8 copies
The Kinematics of Machinery: Outlines of a Theory of Machines by Franz Reuleaux 16 copies
Light: Principles and Experiments by George S. Monk 12 copies
Mathematical engineering analysis by Rufus Oldenburger 4 copies
Mechanics by J. P. Den Hartog 121 copies
Methods in exterior ballistics by Forest Ray Moulton 1 copy
Microwave Transmission by J. C. Slater 11 copies
The principles of electromagnetism applied to electrical machines: (formerly titled: Electromagnetic problems in electri by B. Hague 2 copies
The scientific basis of illuminating engineering by Parry Moon 1 copy
Selected Papers on Human Factors in the Design and Use of Control Systems by H.Wallace Sinaiko 4 copies
Selected Papers on Quantum Electrodynamics by Julian Schwinger 52 copies
Strength of Materials (Dover Books on Physics) by J. P. Den Hartog 76 copies
The Theory of Electrons and Its Applications to the Phenomena of Light and Radiant Heat by Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 22 copies
The Theory of the Properties of Metals and Alloys by Neville F. Mott 31 copies
The thermodynamics of electrical phenomena in metals by P. W. Bridgman 6 copies
Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems by L.V. Bewley 7 copies
Two-dimensional fields in electrical engineering by Loyal Vivian Bewley 7 copies
Waterhammer Analysis by J. Parmakian 6 copies, 1 review

