SeriesJeffersonian America

54 Works Popularity 15,329 (585 Members) 1,166 Books 6 Reviews ½ 4.0
"Let a Common Interest Bind Us Together": Associations, Partisanship, and Culture in Philadelphia, 1775-1840 by Albrecht Koschnik 9 copies2007
"The Tyranny of Printers": Newspaper Politics in the Early American Republic by Jeffrey L. Pasley 75 copies2001
"Those Who Labor for My Happiness": Slavery at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello by Lucia C Stanton 53 copies2012
Amelioration and Empire: Progress and Slavery in the Plantation Americas by Christa Dierksheide 9 copies2014
Becoming Men of Some Consequence: Youth and Military Service in the Revolutionary War by John A. Ruddiman 10 copies2014
Between Sovereignty and Anarchy: The Politics of Violence in the American Revolutionary Era by Patrick Griffin 8 copies2015
Blood from the Sky: Miracles and Politics in the Early American Republic by Adam Jortner 13 copies2017
Citizens of a Common Intellectual Homeland: The Transatlantic Origins of American Democracy and Nationhood by Armin Mattes 3 copies2015
The Citizenship Revolution: Politics and the Creation of the American Union 1774-1804 by Douglas Bradburn 23 copies2009
Collegiate Republic: Cultivating an Ideal Society in Early America by Margaret Sumner 4 copies, 1 review2014
Confounding Father: Thomas Jefferson's Image in His Own Time by Robert M. S. McDonald 14 copies2016
Contesting Slavery: The Politics of Bondage and Freedom in the New American Nation by John Craig Hammond 23 copies2011
Cosmopolitan Patriots: Americans in Paris in the Age of Revolution by Philipp Ziesche 11 copies2010
Culture and Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution by Michal Jan Rozbicki 19 copies, 1 review2011
Distant Revolutions: 1848 and the Challenge to American Exceptionalism by Timothy Mason Roberts 14 copies2009
Empires of the Imagination: Transatlantic Histories of the Louisiana Purchase by Peter J. Kastor 7 copies2009
Era of Experimentation: American Political Practices in the Early Republic by Daniel Peart 6 copies2014
The Founding of Thomas Jefferson's University by John A. Ragosta 3 copies2019
The Haitian Declaration of Independence: Creation, Context, and Legacy by Julia Gaffield 7 copies2016
Jefferson on Display: Attire, Etiquette, and the Art of Presentation by G. S. Wilson 16 copies2018
Jefferson's Body: A Corporeal Biography by Maurizio Valsania 10 copies2017
Jefferson's Empire: The Language of American Nationhood by Peter S. Onuf 83 copies2000
Jeffersonians in Power: The Rhetoric of Opposition Meets the Realities of Governing by Joanne B. Freeman 7 copies2019
Light and Liberty: Thomas Jefferson and the Power of Knowledge by Robert M. S. McDonald 13 copies, 1 review2012
The Limits of Optimism: Thomas Jefferson's Dualistic Enlightenment by Maurizio Valsania 12 copies2011
The Making and Unmaking of A Revolutionary Family: The Tuckers of Virginia, 1752-1830 by Phillip Hamilton 20 copies2008
Mongrel Nation: The America Begotten by Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings by Clarence E. Walker 35 copies2008
Nature's Man: Thomas Jefferson's Philosophical Anthropology by Maurizio Valsania 9 copies2013
Old World, New World: America and Europe in the Age of Jefferson by Leonard J. Sadosky 9 copies, 1 review2010
Paine and Jefferson in the Age of Revolutions by Simon P. Newman 8 copies2013
Parlor Politics: In Which the Ladies of Washington Help Build a City and a Government by Catherine Allgor 107 copies2000
Patriotism and Piety: Federalist Politics and Religious Struggle in the New American Nation by Jonathan J. Den Hartog 8 copies2015
Principle and Interest: Thomas Jefferson and the Problem of Debt by Herbert E. Sloan 27 copies2001
Pulpit and Nation: Clergymen and the Politics of Revolutionary America by Spencer W. McBride 14 copies2016
The Queen of America: Mary Cutts's Life of Dolley Madison by Mary (1801-1882) Cutts 7 copies2012
Red Gentlemen and White Savages: Indians, Federalists, and the Search for Order on the American Frontier by David Andrew Nichols 20 copies2008
Religious Freedom: Jefferson's Legacy, America's Creed by John Ragosta 30 copies2013
Remaking Custom: Law and Identity in the Early American Republic by Ellen Holmes Pearson 11 copies, 1 review2011
The Revolution of 1800: Democracy, Race, and the New Republic by James J. Horn 34 copies2002
Revolutionary Negotiations: Indians, Empires, and Diplomats in the Founding of America by Leonard J. Sadosky 18 copies2010
Rome Reborn on Western Shores: Historical Imagination and the Creation of the American Republic by Eran Shalev 19 copies2009
Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson: History, Memory, and Civic Culture by Jan Ellen Lewis 60 copies1999
Slavery, Freedom, and Expansion in the Early American West by John Craig Hammond 17 copies2007
Sons of the Father: George Washington and His Protégés by Robert M. S. McDonald 17 copies2013
State and Citizen: British America and the Early United States by Peter Thompson 10 copies2013
Thomas Jefferson's Lives: Biographers and the Battle for History by Robert M. S. McDonald 5 copies2019
Thomas Jefferson's Military Academy: Founding West Point by Robert M. S. McDonald 18 copies2004
Thomas Jefferson, the Classical World, and Early America by Peter S. Onuf 15 copies, 1 review2011
Thomas Jefferson, Time, and History by Hannah Spahn 14 copies2011
Thomas Jefferson: Reputation and Legacy by Francis D. Cogliano 26 copies2006
Tom Paine's America: The Rise and Fall of Transatlantic Radicalism in the Early Republic by Seth Cotlar 26 copies2011
Unfinished Revolution: The Early American Republic in a British World by Sam W. Haynes 66 copies2010
Unnatural Rebellion: Loyalists in New York City during the Revolution by Ruma Chopra 40 copies2011
Work of the Heart: Young Women And Emotion, 1780-1830 by Martha Tomhave Blauvelt 7 copies2007

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Published by the University Press of Virginia. Series Editors: Jan Ellen Lewis, Peter S. Onuf, Andrew O'Shaughnessy. Advisory Editors: Joyce Appleby, Annette Gordon-Reed, James Horn, David Konig, James Oakes, Alan Taylor. (English, Unclassified)


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