SeriesMortal Engines

Series author: Philip Reeve

13 Works Popularity 2,086 (4,840 Members) 10,642 Books 314 Reviews ½ 3.9


Thunder City (A Mortal Engines Novel) by Philip Reeve 9 copies
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve 1,173 copies, 70 reviews00.1
A Web of Air by Philip Reeve 536 copies, 17 reviews00.2
Scrivener's Moon by Philip Reeve 389 copies, 8 reviews00.3
Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve 3,905 copies, 127 reviews01
Predator's Gold by Philip Reeve 1,688 copies, 35 reviews02
Infernal Devices by Philip Reeve 1,397 copies, 21 reviews03
A Darkling Plain by Philip Reeve 1,248 copies, 34 reviews04
Night Flights: A Mortal Engines Collection by Philip Reeve 230 copies, 2 reviews04.5

Collections and Selections

Traction City: World Book Day 2011 by Philip Reeve 8 copiesnovella
Mortal Engines {complete, 4 Volumes} by Philip Reeve 20 copiesOmnibus 01-04
Mortal Engines {complete, with prequels} by Philip Reeve 11 copies1-4 & prequels 1-3
Mortal Engines 8 Book Collection by Philip Reeve 39 copies1-4.5 & prequels 1-3

Other Names

English: Hungry Cities Chronicles, Hungry City Chronicles — Dutch: De Levende Steden — German: Mortal Engines — Italian: Macchine mortali — Lithuanian: Pasaulinis bestseleris — Polish: Zabójcze maszyny


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