SeriesMagic LandOriginal name: Волшебник Изумрудного города
Series author: Alexander Wolkow
15 Works
Popularity 33,876 (191 Members)
553 Books
4 Reviews
The Wizard of the Emerald City by Alexander Wolkow 142 copies, 1 review | 1 |
The Wooden Soldiers of Oz by Alexander Wolkow 86 copies | 2 |
The Seven Underground Kings by Alexander Wolkow 77 copies, 1 review | 3 |
The Fiery God of the Marrans by Alexander Wolkow 72 copies | 4 |
Yellow Fog Over Oz by Alexander Wolkow 70 copies | 5 |
Secret of the Deserted Castle by Alexander Wolkow 47 copies, 1 review | 6 |
Goodwin der Schreckliche by Sergej Suchinow 2 copies | 0 |
Der Smaragdenregen by Jurij Kusnezow 12 copies | 7 |
Die Gefangenen des Korallenriffs by Jurij Kusnezow 9 copies | 8 |
Die Riesin Arachna by Jurij Kusnezow 6 copies | 9 |
In den Fängen des Seemonsters by Nikolai Bachnow 7 copies | 10 |
Der Schatz der Smaragdenbienen by Nikolai Bachnow 1 copy | 12 |
Collections and Selections
The Wizard of the Emerald City / Urfin Jus and His Wooden Soldiers by Alexander Volkov 14 copies, 1 review | Omnibus 1-2 |
The Seven Underground Kings / The Fiery God of the Marrans by Alexander Volkov 7 copies | Omnibus 3-4 |
Жёлтый туман / Тайна заброшенного замка by Александр Волков 1 copy | Omnibus 5-6 |
Other Names
German: Zauberland — Russian: Волшебник Изумрудного города
Top Members
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