Publisher SeriesGli Oscar Mondadori - Saggi

Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire 1,249 copies, 11 reviews8
Eloge de la fuite by Henri Laborit 203 copies, 2 reviews11
Storia d'Italia dal Risorgimento ai nostri giorni by Sergio Romano 47 copies, 5 reviews16
The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward A Critique of Marxist Aesthetics by Herbert Marcuse 230 copies, 2 reviews36
Lo potevo fare anch'io. Perché l'arte contemporanea è davvero arte by Francesco Bonami 51 copies, 3 reviews53
Letters to Felice / Kafka's Other Trial by Elias Canetti 303 copies, 3 reviews55
The Doors of Perception / Heaven and Hell by Aldous Huxley 4,724 copies, 46 reviews56
La democrazia e i suoi limiti by Sabino Cassese 5 copies80
Misreadings by Umberto Eco 1,358 copies, 11 reviews83
A History of Western Philosophy by Bertrand Russell 7,013 copies, 58 reviews95
The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion by James George Frazer 10 copies102
L'umorismo by Luigi Pirandello 123 copies, 1 review106
The Essential Darwin by Charles Darwin 91 copies, 1 review121
Juice of Life: The Symbolic and Magic Significance of Blood by Piero Camporesi 49 copies, 2 reviews124
Il meglio di Nietzsche (Oscar saggi) (Italian Edition) by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 5 copies131
Jazz by Arrigo Polillo 78 copies137
Anti-Semite and Jew: An Exploration of the Etiology of Hate by Jean-Paul Sartre 771 copies, 4 reviews166
Lo specchio greco: alle fonti del pensare europeo by Grytzko Mascioni 5 copies183
Einstein by Jeremy Bernstein 150 copies191
L'industria italiana dall'Ottocento a oggi by Valerio Castronovo 9 copies204
Your Money or Your Life: Economy and Religion in the Middle Ages by Jacques Le Goff 217 copies, 3 reviews265
Dieci secoli di teatro inglese : 970-1980 by Masolino D'Amico 13 copies291
The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels 910 copies, 22 reviews298
Storia del buddhismo by Henri-Charles Puech 2 copies300
Democracy Ancient and Modern (Mason Welch Gross Lectureship Series) by M. I. Finley 128 copies, 1 review315
A History of Private Life, Volume 1: From Pagan Rome to Byzantium by Paul Veyne 1,641 copies, 13 reviews318
A History of Private Life, Volume 2: Revelations of the Medieval World by Georges Duby 1,643 copies, 6 reviews322
A History of Private Life, Volume 3: Passions of the Renaissance by Roger Chartier 770 copies, 2 reviews326
A History of Private Life, Volume 4: From the Fires of Revolution to the Great War by Michelle Perrot 687 copies, 3 reviews330
Gli indiani delle pianure. by Robert H. Lowie 1 copy346
Dizionario delle immagini e dei simboli biblici by Manfred Lurker 14 copies, 1 review377
Indagine sul satanismo: satanisti e anti-satanisti dal Seicento ai nostri giorni by Massimo Introvigne 1 copy381
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers 1,923 copies, 29 reviews384
Breve storia degli ebrei e dell'antisemitismo by Eugenio Saracini 31 copies, 2 reviews416
The Mind of God : The Scientific Basis for a Rational World by Paul Davies 1,306 copies, 8 reviews448
Diario 1938 by Joseph Goebbels 7 copies, 1 review453
The Art of Listening by Erich Fromm 138 copies, 1 review469
Requiem pour un empire défunt : Histoire de la destruction de l'Autriche-Hongrie by Francois Fejto 68 copies, 3 reviews473
Amici scrittori: Quarant'anni di incontri e scoperte con gli autori americani (Ingrandimenti) (Italian Edition) by Fernanda Pivano 7 copies489
The Passing of an Illusion: The Idea of Communism in the Twentieth Century by François Furet 228 copies, 1 review507
The World of Tibetan Buddhism: An Overview of Its Philosophy and Practice by His Holiness the Dalai Lama 348 copies, 6 reviews537
Contro Maestro Ciliegia. Commento teologico a "Le avventure di Pinocchio" by Giacomo Biffi 13 copies, 1 review552
La delusione tecnologica : i rendimenti decrescenti della tecnologia e la crisi della crescita economica by Orio Giarini 2 copies609
Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World by Mark Kurlansky 3,344 copies, 72 reviews617
La Grande Italia: The Rise and Fall of the Myth of the Nation in the Twentieth Century (George L. Mosse Series) by Emilio Gentile 21 copies, 1 review629
The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm 4,401 copies, 46 reviews634
Lorsque l'enfant paraît by Françoise Dolto 49 copies641
Ebrei e pregiudizio : introduzione alla dinamica dell'odio by Riccardo Calimani 8 copies, 1 review669
Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel 1,081 copies, 10 reviews690
La felicità di questa vita. Esperienza del mondo e stagioni dell'esistenza by Salvatore Natoli 4 copies694
Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen 1,634 copies, 13 reviews697
Raccontare l'America: Due secoli di orgogli e pregiudizi by Massimo Teodori 5 copies784
Nuovi segni dei tempi: le sorti della fede nell'eta dei mutamenti by Camillo Ruini 9 copies799
Il manifesto di Ventotene by Altiero Spinelli 56 copies, 2 reviews802
The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century by Thomas L. Friedman 13,319 copies, 168 reviews833
Rifondazione della fede by Vito Mancuso 12 copies841
Estensione del dominio della manipolazione. Dalla azienda alla vita privata by Michela Marzano 30 copies, 1 review876
L'enigma della crescita. Alla scoperta dell'equazione che governa il nostro futuro by Luca Ricolfi 8 copies, 1 review939

