SeriesNew Mutants (2009)
66 Works
Popularity 22,969 (337 Members)
884 Books
31 Reviews
New Mutants, Vol. 1: Return of Legion by Zeb Wells 52 copies | 1-5 collected |
X-Necrosha by Craig Kyle 66 copies, 4 reviews | 6-8 et al |
New Mutants, Vol. 2: Necrosha by Zeb Wells 47 copies, 2 reviews | 6-11 collected |
Siege: X-Men by Marjorie M. Liu 49 copies, 3 reviews | 11 et al |
X-Men: Second Coming by Zeb Wells 166 copies, 5 reviews | 12-14 et al |
New Mutants, Vol. 3: Fall of the New Mutants by Zeb Wells 33 copies, 2 reviews | 15-21 collected |
X-Men: Age of X by Mike Carey 122 copies, 5 reviews | 22-24 et al |
New Mutants, Vol. 4: Unfinished Business by Dan Abnett 32 copies, 1 review | 25-28 collected |
Fear Itself: Wolverine/New Mutants by Seth Peck 29 copies, 4 reviews | 29-32 collected |
New Mutants, Vol. 5: A Date with the Devil by Dan Abnett 36 copies | 33-37 collected |
New Mutants, Vol. 6: Deanimator by Dan Abnett 21 copies, 1 review | 38-41 collected |
Journey Into Mystery/New Mutants: Exiled by Kieron Gillen 54 copies, 2 reviews | 42-43 et al |
New Mutants, Vol. 7: Fight the Future by Daniel Abnett 27 copies, 2 reviews | 44-50 collected |
Collections and Selections
New Mutants by Zeb Wells: The Complete Collection by Zeb Wells 14 copies | 1-11 & 15-21 collected |
New Mutants by Abnett & Lanning: The Complete Collection, Volume 1 by Dan Abnett 10 copies | 25-37 collected |
New Mutants by Abnett & Lanning: The Complete Collection, Volume 2 by Dan Abnett 6 copies | 38-50 collected |
Top Members
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