SeriesThe Incal Saga
Series author: Alejandro Jodorowsky
27 Works
Popularity 8,159 (1,247 Members)
2,942 Books
54 Reviews
Collections and Selections
The Incal, Vol.1: The Dark Incal & The Bright Incal (Epic Graphic Novel) by Alejandro Jodorowsky 80 copies, 4 reviews | B1-B2 |
The Epic Conspiracy by Alejandro Jodorowsky 76 copies, 1 review | B1-B3 |
The Incal, Vol.2: That Which Is Below & That Which Is Above (Epic Graphic novel) by Alejandro Jodorowsky 54 copies, 3 reviews | B3-B4 |
The Epic Journey by Alejandro Jodorowsky 42 copies | B4-B6 |
The Incal, Vol.3: The Fifth Essence (Epic Graphic Novel) by Alejandro Jodorowsky 54 copies, 3 reviews | B5-B6 |
Before The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky 200 copies, 5 reviews | Omnibus A1-A6 |
The Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky 839 copies, 28 reviews | Omnibus B1-B6 |
Final Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky 93 copies, 2 reviews | Omnibus D1-D3 |
Final Incal: Deluxe Edition by Alejandro Jodorowsky 35 copies, 1 review | Omnibus D1-D3 + C1 |
Final Incal - Ultra-Deluxe Collector's Edition by Alejandro Jodorowsky 4 copies | Oversized omnibus D1-D3 + C1 |
DescriptionsEdit Descriptions
- The Incal is a science fiction comic book saga written by Alejandro Jodorowsky and illustrated by Jean Giraud (Moebius). (English, Unclassified)
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