SeriesAmalgam Comics
31 Works
Popularity 29,979 (231 Members)
404 Books
2 Reviews
Collections and Selections
The Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC Comics Collection by John Byrne 62 copies | 1996 Anthology |
The Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel Comics Collection by Chuck Dixon 29 copies | 1996 Anthology |
Marvel Versus DC/DC Versus Marvel by Ron Marz 162 copies, 2 reviews | Prequel |
Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC Comics Collection by John Byrne 31 copies | 1997 Anthology |
Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics: The Marvel Comics Collection by Kurt Busiek 20 copies | 1997 Anthology |
Top Members
jpers36 (29 works), woodelph (17), tootstorm (17), BeeAfraid (10), Knowone (5), scumdogsteev (5), Gingerbreadman63 (5), nativio289 (5), YoungTrek (5), The_Gedaks (5), PhilipF (5), JeffRReid (4), i_am_scifi (4), Jayunderscorezero (4), nedbush (4), readafew (4), morganoperandi (3), Kyrch (3), Birdo82 (3), Genekjr (3), BiteSizeBrain (3), kaslibrary (3), lcd (3), albene_dictine (3), brythain (3), MonkeyArcher (3), CapeFear54 (3), Phelanpt (2), mshalk (2), shanembailey (2), acope42 (2), Brian-B (2), CharlesFeatherstone (2), og_ari (2), cacuna26 (2), ianhay (2), Rjhmzn (2), PaulJPOBrien (2), jessejhein (2), hobreads (2), dfmorgan (2), LadyLovecraft (2), AndrewWheeler (2), Uthred (2), tiggermn (2), SheriLynnBell (2), Stewbacca (2), damy (2), eve_lynn (2), jonhen (2), Dannelke (2), NeoWayland (2), vonofam (1), lesmcclaine (1), morgie87 (1), dmwc (1), Gazaraki (1), ElMonkfish (1), IceQueenieMn (1), Tess_Schneckenburger (1), BQSchil (1), kontomiloszaaa (1), asullin2 (1), xionthatb1tch (1), Mrs.Dv214 (1), Rextcook (1), rosaroxxie (1), AndyMills (1), GreatBunnini (1), MatthewHHill (1), SeanBoley (1), Ruviane (1), amyzatylny (1), jawhite2401 (1), CPendle (1), Kreid0126 (1), Ravenholm337 (1), bstommy (1), techiestefie (1), chemchops (1), naree (1), kmmirobelli (1), somasis (1), Darkanime3 (1), Gareth.Morgan (1), Ubiquitine (1), cyphr511 (1), PierreAle (1), CTjayhawker (1), Nobodyaddams (1), baruti (1), starfox_6456303 (1), VZermeno (1), Martin_Maenza (1), CharlieLovesBooks (1), dszimmerman (1), aprilkhaito (1), Ralle (1), bronxb23 (1), klrobinson15 (1), JamesJ.Bond (1), Kupelo (1), sgriffin19 (1), hirtmd (1), fatdulac (1), andersongs (1), kilroy11235 (1), HeyBudBud (1), Joe_Beck (1), Johnathanberube (1), litenstein (1), noslwop (1), errepece (1), chrisdell21 (1), Frank_Candiloro (1), alek1984 (1), DrChronikles (1), ennuiprayer (1), Edward137 (1), 123Westbury (1), memoi567 (1), ellnicko (1), chewitt86 (1), Miquinba (1), JohnKerry (1), Pmmenon (1), bawining (1), ComicBookSoc (1), aridjon (1), CalvinX (1), jjad_28 (1), Bearsarecool312 (1), JGKC (1), mallyp (1), TDUB919 (1), C.Bubbles (1), jenisdizzy (1), BercilakGK (1), Death_By_Papercut (1), regularguy5mb (1), packervid4 (1), tweakfreak (1), Avenger01 (1), davidscarter (1), jonathan_rigby (1), rdcii (1), Agent_grey (1), iansmithdahl (1), sgtrock1369 (1), hjbe (1), sasukinho (1), Sparhawk2k (1), Phoenix333 (1), dervilfal (1), benjaminjudge (1), jeb1981 (1), hazzabamboo (1), saltmanz (1), bgraffis (1), darrowco (1), writersaurusrex (1), mkrykew (1), fishwax (1), LordElias (1), Artur (1), BlackKnightAvalon (1), brunobatista (1), flushingteens (1), Worldtree (1), TeenCentral (1), irkthepurist (1), Sprogger (1), tetsuko (1), MrsBadDay (1), mikallofgren (1), crozon (1), damienwang (1), JonArnold (1), VictoriaPL (1), Murrayky (1), mattypsaidso (1), domesticat (1), melcauble (1), acenturyofsleep (1), thechrishaley (1), trespassers (1), readydeady (1), wespector (1), darkalbinossis (1), burnit99 (1), stavner (1), jrenom (1), sonofaslan (1), parallaxatives (1), Sharne126 (1), sabreuse (1), snigl3t (1), legallypuzzled (1), CartoonStudies (1), battlinjack (1)