SeriesThe Children of Ynell
Series author: Shirley Rousseau Murphy
7 Works
Popularity 44,359 (124 Members)
292 Books
0 Reviews
The Ring of Fire by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 72 copies | 1 |
The Wolf Bell by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 68 copies | 2 |
The Castle of Hape by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 54 copies | 3 |
Caves of Fire and Ice by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 49 copies | 4 |
The Joining of the Stone by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 38 copies | 5 |
Collections and Selections
The Shattered Stone by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 5 copies | 1-2 |
The Runestone of Eresu by Shirley Rousseau Murphy 4 copies | 3-5 |
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