SeriesFamous American Plays
7 Works
Popularity 16,299 (541 Members)
917 Books
4 Reviews
Famous American Plays of the 1920s by Kenneth Macgowan 146 copies, 1 review | 1920s |
Famous American Plays of the 1930s by Harold Clurman 175 copies | 1930s |
Famous American Plays of the 1940s by Henry Hewes 247 copies, 1 review | 1940s |
Famous American Plays of the 1950s by Lee Strasberg 170 copies | 1950s |
Famous American Plays of the 1960s by Harold Clurman 64 copies, 1 review | 1960s |
Famous American Plays of the 1970s by Ted Hoffman 68 copies, 1 review | 1970s |
Famous American Plays of the 1980s by Robert Marx 44 copies | 1980s |
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