SeriesThe Great Languages
12 Works
Popularity 20,347 (402 Members)
553 Books
3 Reviews
The Chinese language by Robert Andrew Dermod Forrest 11 copies | |
The French language by Alfred Ewert 28 copies | |
The German language by Robert Priebsch 22 copies, 1 review | |
The German Language (Great Languages) by Rudolf Ernst Keller 8 copies | |
The Greek Language by Leonard R. Palmer 70 copies | |
The Greek language by B. F. C. Atkinson 5 copies | |
The Italian Language by Bruno Migliorini 91 copies | |
The Latin Language by Leonard R. Palmer 196 copies | |
The Romance languages by W.D. Elcock 39 copies, 1 review | |
Russian and the Slavonic languages by William J. Entwistle 18 copies, 1 review | |
The Sanskrit Language by T. Burrow 34 copies | |
Scandinavian Languages; An Introduction to Their History by Einar Haugen 29 copies |
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