SeriesMy Neighbor Seki [Manga]
Series author: Takuma Morishige
10 Works
Popularity 44,580 (123 Members)
526 Books
24 Reviews
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 1: Mailing It In by Takuma Morishige 108 copies, 9 reviews | 1 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 2: Imaginative Friends by Takuma Morishige 66 copies, 2 reviews | 2 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 3: A Quiet Storm by Takuma Morishige 59 copies, 2 reviews | 3 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 4: High School Hijinks by Takuma Morishige 54 copies, 4 reviews | 4 |
My Neighbor Seki, 5 by Takuma Morishige 51 copies, 1 review | 5 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 6: School-day Shenanigans by Takuma Morishige 43 copies, 1 review | 6 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 7: Holiday Hijinks by Takuma Morishige 39 copies, 2 reviews | 7 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 8: Classroom Clowning by Takuma Morishige 35 copies, 1 review | 8 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 9: Desktop Distractions by Takuma Morishige 35 copies, 1 review | 9 |
My Neighbor Seki, Volume 10: The ABC's of Diversions by Takuma Morishige 34 copies, 1 review | 10 |
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