SeriesNative American Peoples

35 Works Popularity 37,820 (160 Members) 473 Books 10 Reviews
Apache by D. L. Birchfield 9 copies
Aztec by Mary Stout 11 copies, 1 review
The Blackfoot by Elizabeth Hahn 17 copies
Blackfoot by Mary Stout 9 copies
The Cherokee by Barbara McCall 29 copies
Cherokee by D. L. Birchfield 10 copies
The Cheyenne by Sally Lodge 26 copies, 1 review
Cheyenne (Native American Peoples) by D. L. Birchfield 12 copies, 1 review
The Choctaw (Native American People) by Victoria Sherrow 4 copies
Comanche by D. L. Birchfield 13 copies, 1 review
The Comanche by Sally Lodge 22 copies
Cree by Mary Stout 13 copies
The Creek by Elizabeth Hahn 15 copies
Creek (Native American Peoples) by Amy M. Stone 7 copies
Hopi (Native American Peoples) by Mary Stout 6 copies
The Hopi by Suzanne Freedman 10 copies
Inuit by Michael Burgan 7 copies
The Inuit by Elizabeth Hahn 21 copies, 1 review
The Kiowa (Native American People) by Victoria Sherrow 3 copies
The Menominee by Edward R. Ricciuti 4 copies
Mohawk (Native American Peoples) by Sierra Adare 10 copies, 1 review
The Navajo (Indian Tribes of America) by Susan Stan 44 copies
Navajo (Native American Peoples) by D. L. Birchfield 9 copies, 1 review
Nez Perce by Mary Stout 6 copies, 1 review
The Nez Perce by Kathi Howes 22 copies
The Ojibwe (Indian Tribes of America) by Susan Stan 40 copies
Ojibwe (Native American Peoples) by Sierra Adare 10 copies
Oneida (Native American Peoples) by Amy M. Stone 5 copies
The Pawnee by Elizabeth Hahn 17 copies
The Pomo by Suzanne Freedman 7 copies
Seminole (Native American Peoples) by D. L. Birchfield 9 copies, 1 review
The Shawnee by Chuck Fulkerson 22 copies
Shoshone by Mary Stout 8 copies
Sioux (Native American Peoples) by D. L. Birchfield 9 copies, 1 review
The Yakama (Native American People) by Edward R. Ricciuti 2 copies


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