SeriesBeast Quest
Series author: Adam Blade
142 Works
Popularity 5,194 (2,037 Members)
9,540 Books
42 Reviews
Master Your Destiny (choose your own adventure)
Beast Quest: Master Your Destiny 1: The Dark Cauldron by Adam Blade 34 copies | 1 |
Beast Quest: Master Your Destiny 2: The Dagger of Doom by Adam Blade 35 copies | 2 |
Companion Books
The Complete Book of Beasts (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 24 copies |
Collections and Selections
Beast Quest 1-4 by Adam Blade 9 copies | Boxed Set 01-04 |
Beast Quest 1-6 by Adam Blade 14 copies | Boxed Set 01-06 |
Beast Quest Monster Pack 1-30 by Adam Blade 3 copies | Boxed Set 01-30 |
Beast Quest: The Golden Armour 7-12 by Adam Blade 3 copies | Boxed Set 07-12 |
Beast Quest Series 4 Amulet/Avantia 6 by Adam Blade 1 copy | Boxed Set 19-24 |
L'ombra della morte by Adam Blade 2 copies | Boxed Set 25-30 |
Beast Quest Series 14 Collection - 4 Books Collection Pack Set (Beast Quest: 79: Raffkor the Stampeding Brute, Beast Quest: 80: Vislak the Slithering Serpent, Beast Quest: 81: Tikron the Jungle Master, Beast Quest: 82: Falra the Snow Phoenix) by Adam Blade 1 copy | Boxed Set 79-82 |
Other Names
Portuguese (Portugal): Feras e HerĂ³is — Spanish: Buscafiera, Buscafieras
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