SeriesBeast Quest

Series author: Adam Blade

142 Works Popularity 5,194 (2,037 Members) 9,540 Books 42 Reviews ½ 3.9


Ferno the Fire Dragon (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 908 copies, 12 reviews1
Sepron the Sea Serpent (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 722 copies, 3 reviews2
Cypher the Mountain Giant (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 464 copies, 3 reviews3
Tagus the Night Horse (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 423 copies, 6 reviews4
Tartok the Ice Beast (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 351 copies, 5 reviews5
Epos the Winged Flame (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 483 copies, 2 reviews6
Zepha the Monster Squid (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 389 copies7
Claw the Giant Ape (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 208 copies8
Soltra the Stone Charmer (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 215 copies9
Vipero the Snake Man (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 220 copies10
Arachnid the Spider King (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 239 copies, 1 review11
Trillion the Three-Headed Lion (Beast Quest: The Golden Armour) by Adam Blade 181 copies12
Torgor the Minotaur (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 167 copies13
Skor the Winged Stallion (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 155 copies14
Narga the Sea Monster (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 139 copies, 1 review15
Kaymon the Gorgon Hound (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 154 copies, 1 review16
Tusk the Mighty Mammoth (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 151 copies, 1 review17
Sting the Scorpion Man (Beast Quest: The Dark Realm) by Adam Blade 127 copies, 2 reviews18
Nixa the Death Bringer (Beast Quest: The Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 137 copies19
Equinus the Spirit Horse (Beast Quest: Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 147 copies, 1 review20
Rashouk the Cave Troll (Beast Quest: The Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 128 copies21
Luna the Moon Wolf (Beast Quest: Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 154 copies, 1 review22
Blaze the Ice Dragon (Beast Quest: Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 153 copies, 1 review23
Stealth the Ghost Panther (Beast Quest: The Amulet of Avantia) by Adam Blade 108 copies24
Krabb, Master of the Sea (Beast Quest: The Shade of Death) by Adam Blade 76 copies25
Hawkite, Arrow of the Air (Beast Quest: The Shade of Death) by Adam Blade 73 copies26
Rokk the Walking Mountain (Beast Quest: The Shade of Death) by Adam Blade 69 copies27
Koldo the Arctic Warrior (Beast Quest: The Shade of Death) by Adam Blade 64 copies28
Beast Quest: 29: Trema the Earth Lord by Adam Blade 62 copies29
Amictus the Bug Queen (Beast Quest: The Shadow of Death) by Adam Blade 72 copies30
Beast Quest: 31: Komodo the Lizard King by Adam Blade 49 copies31
Beast Quest: 32: Muro the Rat Monster by Adam Blade 57 copies32
The World of Chaos Series 6: Fang the Bat Fiend (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 56 copies33
Beast Quest: 34: Murk the Swamp Man by Adam Blade 61 copies34
Beast Quest: 35: Terra, Curse of the Forest by Adam Blade 50 copies35
Vespick the Wasp Queen (Beast Quest: The World of Chaos) by Adam Blade 61 copies36
Convol the Cold-blooded Brute (Beast Quest)Book 37 by Adam Blade 46 copies37
Beast Quest: 38: Hellion the Fiery Foe by Adam Blade 40 copies38
Beast Quest: 39: Krestor the Crushing Terror by Adam Blade 41 copies39
Beast Quest: 40: Madara the Midnight Warrior by Adam Blade 36 copies40
Beast Quest: 41: Ellik the Lightning Horror by Adam Blade 40 copies41
Beast Quest: 42: Carnivora the Winged Scavenger by Adam Blade 42 copies42
Beast Quest: 43: Balisk the Water Snake by Adam Blade 45 copies43
Beast Quest: 44: Koron, Jaws of Death by Adam Blade 40 copies44
Beast Quest: 45: Hecton the Body Snatcher by Adam Blade 38 copies45
Beast Quest: 46: Torno the Hurricane Dragon by Adam Blade 35 copies46
Beast Quest: 47: Kronus the Clawed Menace by Adam Blade 48 copies47
Beast Quest: 48: Bloodboar the Buried Doom by Adam Blade 45 copies48
Beast Quest: 49: Ursus the Clawed Roar by Adam Blade 28 copies49
Beast Quest: 50: Minos the Demon Bull by Adam Blade 37 copies50
Beast Quest: 51: Koraka the Winged Assassin by Adam Blade 32 copies51
Beast Quest: 52: Silver the Wild Terror by Adam Blade 29 copies52
Beast Quest: 53: Spikefin the Water King by Adam Blade 31 copies53
Beast Quest: 54: Torpix the Twisting Serpent by Adam Blade 32 copies54
Beast Quest: 55: Noctila the Death Owl by Adam Blade 29 copies55
Beast Quest: 56: Shamani the Raging Flame by Adam Blade 28 copies56
Beast Quest: 57: Lustor the Acid Dart by Adam Blade 29 copies57
Beast Quest: 58: Voltrex the Two-headed Octopus by Adam Blade 23 copies58
Beast Quest: 59: Tecton the Armoured Giant by Adam Blade 23 copies59
Beast Quest: 60: Doomskull the King of Fear by Adam Blade 30 copies60
Elko Lord of the Sea: Series 11 Book 1 (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 20 copies61
Tarrok the Blood Spike by Adam Blade 25 copies62
Beast Quest: 63: Brutus the Hound of Horror by Adam Blade 12 copies63
Beast Quest: 64: Flaymar the Scorched Blaze by Adam Blade 22 copies64
Beast Quest: 65: Serpio the Slithering Shadow by Adam Blade 20 copies65
Tauron the Pounding Fury (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 16 copies66
Beast Quest: 67: Solak Scourge of the Sea by Adam Blade 22 copies67
Beast Quest: 68: Kajin the Beast Catcher by Adam Blade 15 copies68
Beast Quest: 69: Issrilla the Creeping Menace by Adam Blade 19 copies69
Beast Quest: 70: Vigrash the Clawed Eagle by Adam Blade 15 copies70
The Darkest Hour Series 12: Mirka the Ice Horse (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 18 copies71
Beast Quest: 72: Kama the Faceless Beast by Adam Blade 12 copies72
Beast Quest: 73: Skurik the Forest Demon by Adam Blade 11 copies73
Beast Quest: 74: Targro the Arctic Menace by Adam Blade 17 copies74
Beast Quest: 75: Slivka the Cold-Hearted Curse by Adam Blade 11 copies75
Beast Quest: 76: Linka the Sky Conqueror by Adam Blade 9 copies76
Beast Quest: 77: Vermok the Spiteful Scavenger by Adam Blade 13 copies77
Beast Quest: 78: Koba, Ghoul of the Shadows by Adam Blade 20 copies78
Beast Quest: 79: Raffkor the Stampeding Brute by Adam Blade 15 copies79
Beast Quest: 80: Vislak the Slithering Serpent by Adam Blade 18 copies80
Beast Quest: 81: Tikron the Jungle Master by Adam Blade 16 copies81
Beast Quest: 82: Falra the Snow Phoenix by Adam Blade 20 copies82
Beast Quest: 83: Wardok the Sky Terror by Adam Blade 10 copies83
Beast Quest: 84: Xerik the Bone Cruncher by Adam Blade 4 copies84
Plexor the Raging Reptile: Series 15 Book 3 (Beast Quest 85) by Adam Blade 7 copies85
Beast Quest: 86: Quagos the Armoured Beetle by Adam Blade 6 copies86
Beast Quest: 87: Styro the Snapping Brute by Adam Blade 11 copies87
Beast Quest: 88: Ronak the Toxic Terror by Adam Blade 17 copies88
Beast Quest: 89: Solix the Deadly Swarm by Adam Blade 10 copies89
Kanis the Shadow Hound: Series 16 Book 4 (Beast Quest 90) by Adam Blade 7 copies90
Beast Quest: 91: Gryph the Feathered Fiend by Adam Blade 9 copies91
Beast Quest: 92: Thoron the Living Storm by Adam Blade 6 copies92
Beast Quest: 93: Okko the Sand Monster by Adam Blade 6 copies93
Beast Quest: 94: Saurex the Silent Creeper by Adam Blade 10 copies94
Beast Quest: 95: Krytor the Blood Bat by Adam Blade 9 copies95
Beast Quest: 96: Soara the Stinging Spectre by Adam Blade 4 copies96
Beast Quest: 97: Drogan the Jungle Menace by Adam Blade 9 copies97
Beast Quest: 98: Karixa the Diamond Warrior by Adam Blade 9 copies98
Beast Quest: 99: Quarg the Stone Dragon by Adam Blade 8 copies99
Korvax the Sea Dragon by Adam Blade 8 copies100
Vextrix the Poison Dragon by Adam Blade 7 copies101
Strytor the Skeleton Dragon by Adam Blade 7 copies102
Beast Quest: Zulok the Winged Spirit: Series 20 Book 1 by Adam Blade 7 copies103
Beast Quest: Skalix the Snapping Horror: Series 20 Book 2 by Adam Blade 4 copies104
Beast Quest: Querzol the Swamp Monster: Series 23 Book 1 by Adam Blade 4 copies115
Krotax the Tusked Destroyer: Series 23 Book 2 (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 6 copies116
Sephir the Storm Monster by Adam Blade 12 copiesWorld Book Day special
Mr. Gum in the Hound of Lamonic Bibber / Sephir the Storm Monster (Beast Quest) by Andy Stanton 80 copies

Master Your Destiny (choose your own adventure)


Vedra and Krimon, Twin Beasts of Avantia (Beast Quest Special Edition) by Adam Blade 115 copies1
Spiros The Ghost Phoenix (Beast Quest Special Edition) by Adam Blade 121 copies, 1 review2
Beast Quest: Special 3: Arax the Soul Stealer by Adam Blade 59 copies3
Beast Quest: Special 4: Kragos and Kildor the Two-Headed Demon by Adam Blade 45 copies4
Beast Quest: Special 5: Creta the Winged Terror by Adam Blade 46 copies5
Beast Quest: Special 6: Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior by Adam Blade 34 copies6
Beast Quest: Special 7: Ravira Ruler of the Underworld by Adam Blade 35 copies, 1 review7
Beast Quest: Special 8: Raksha the Mirror Demon by Adam Blade 17 copies8
Grashkor the Beast Guard: Bumper Edition (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 19 copies9
Beast Quest: Special 10: Ferrok the Iron Soldier by Adam Blade 19 copies10
Beast Quest: Special 11: Viktor the Deadly Archer by Adam Blade 19 copies11
Beast Quest: Special 12: Anoret the First Beast by Adam Blade 14 copies12
Beast Quest: Special 13: Okawa the River Beast by Adam Blade 8 copies13
Skolo the Bladed Monster by Adam Blade 11 copies14
Beast Quest: Special 15: Jakara the Ghost Warrior by Adam Blade 5 copies15
Beast Quest: Special 16: Yakorix the Ice Bear by Adam Blade 12 copies16
Beast Quest: Special 17: Tempra the Time Stealer by Adam Blade 8 copies17
Beast Quest: Special 18: Falkor the Coiled Terror by Adam Blade 5 copies18
Kyrax the metal warrior : special 19 by Adam Blade 5 copies19
Magror, Ogre of the Swamps: Special 20 (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 5 copies20
Beast Quest: Verak the Storm King: Special 21 by Adam Blade 4 copies21
Beast Quest: Ospira the Savage Sorceress: Special 22 by Adam Blade 6 copies22
Petorix the Winged Slicer: Special 24 (Beast Quest) by Adam Blade 4 copies24
Beast Quest: Beast Quest Special 26 by Adam Blade 5 copies26

Companion Books

Collections and Selections

Other Names

Portuguese (Portugal): Feras e HerĂ³is — Spanish: Buscafiera, Buscafieras


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