SeriesNew Avengers: Illuminati
Series author: Brian Michael Bendis
8 Works
Popularity 17,407 (492 Members)
574 Books
22 Reviews
The New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 1) #1 by Brian Michael Bendis 4 copies | One-Shot |
The New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #1 by Brian Michael Bendis 1 copy | 1 |
The New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #2 by Brian Michael Bendis 2 copies | 2 |
New Avengers: Illuminati Vol 2 No. 3 A by Brian Michael Bendis 3 copies | 3 |
The New Avengers: Illuminati (Vol. 2) #4 by Brian Michael Bendis 2 copies | 4 |
New Avengers: Illuminati #5 by Brian Michael Bendis 1 copy | 5 |
Collections and Selections
New Avengers: Illuminati by Brian Michael Bendis 158 copies, 10 reviews | 1-5 collected |
The Road to Civil War by Brian Michael Bendis 402 copies, 12 reviews | includes New Avengers: Illuminati One-Shot |
Top Members
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