SeriesDaybreak mysteries
Series author: B. J. Hoff
6 Works
Popularity 36,707 (168 Members)
431 Books
15 Reviews
Storm at Daybreak by B. J. Hoff 93 copies, 4 reviews | 1 |
The Captive Voice by B. J. Hoff 91 copies, 3 reviews | 2 |
The Tangled Web by B. J. Hoff 72 copies, 3 reviews | 3 |
Vow of Silence by B. J. Hoff 73 copies, 3 reviews | 4 |
Dark River Legacy by B. J. Hoff 79 copies, 2 reviews | 5 |
Collections and Selections
The Daybreak Mysteries by B. J. Hoff 21 copies | Omnibus 1-3 |
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