SeriesThe World Factbook

Series author: Central Intelligence Agency

20 Works Popularity 32,177 (207 Members) 229 Books 5 Reviews 4.3
The World Factbook: 1994 by CIA 4 copies1994
The World Factbook: 1994-1995 by Central Intelligence Agency 2 copies1994-1995
The World Factbook: 1996 by Central Intelligence Agency 3 copies1996
The World Factbook: 1997 by CIA 2 copies1997
The World Factbook: 1997-1998 by Central Intelligence Agency 7 copies1997-1998
The World Factbook: 1998 by Central Intelligence Agency 1 copy1998
The World Factbook: 2001 by Central Intelligence Agency 6 copies2001
The World Factbook: 2003 by CIA 5 copies2003
The World Factbook: 2004 by The Central Intelligence Agency 33 copies2004
The World Factbook: 2006 by Central Intelligence Agency 4 copies, 1 review2006
The World Factbook: 2007 by Central Intelligence Agency 9 copies2007
The World Factbook: 2008 by Central Intelligence Agency 26 copies2008
The World Factbook: 2009 by Central Intelligence Agency 18 copies2009
The World Factbook: 2009 Edition (CIA's 2008 Edition) by Central Intelligence Agency 4 copies2009
The World Factbook: 2010 by Central Intelligence Agency 25 copies2010
The World Factbook: 2010 Edition (CIA's 2009 Edition) by The Central Intelligence Agency 5 copies2010
The World Factbook: 2011 by Central Intelligence Agency 20 copies2011
The World Factbook: 2012 by Central Intelligence Agency 18 copies2012
The World Factbook: ???? by CIA 10 copies, 4 reviews?
The World Factbook: Statistics and Analysis for Every Country on the Planet by Central Intelligence Agency 25 copies?


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