SeriesConstitutionalism and Democracy

25 Works Popularity 32,392 (204 Members) 291 Books 2 Reviews
Answering the Call of the Court: How Justices and Litigants Set the Supreme Court Agenda by Vanessa A. Baird 7 copies2007
Battle over the Bench: Senators, Interest Groups, and Lower Court Confirmations by Amy Steigerwalt 3 copies2010
The Constitutional Thought of Thomas Jefferson by David N. Mayer 80 copies, 1 review1994
Courts, Politics, and Culture in Israel by Martin Edelman 2 copies1994
Creating Constitutional Change: Clashes over Power and Liberty in the Supreme Court by Gregg Ivers 11 copies2004
In Chambers: Stories of Supreme Court Law Clerks and Their Justices by Todd C. Peppers 17 copies2012
Institutional Games and the U.S. Supreme Court by James R. Rogers 6 copies2006
Judging on a Collegial Court: Influences on Federal Appellate Decision Making by Virginia A. Hettinger 6 copies2006
Judicial Independence in the Age of Democracy: Critical Perspectives from around the World by Peter H. Russell 8 copies2001
Juries and Judges Versus the Law: Virginia's Provincial Legal Perspective, 1783-1828 (Constitutionalism and Democracy) by F. Thornton Miller 9 copies1994
Justice Curtis In The Civil War Era: At The Crossroads Of American Constitutionalism by Stuart Streichler 12 copies2005
Law, Politics, and Perception: How Policy Preferences Influence Legal Reasoning by Eileen Braman 4 copies2009
The Martinsville Seven: Race, Rape, and Capital Punishment by Eric W. Rise 13 copies, 1 review1995
Merely Judgment: Ignoring, Evading, and Trumping the Supreme Court by Martin J. Sweet 7 copies2010
The Nature of Rights at the American Founding and Beyond by Barry Alan Shain 7 copies2007
New Communitarian Thinking: Persons, Virtues, Institutions, and Communities by Amitai Etzioni 34 copies1995
Producers Versus Capitalists: Constitutional Conflict in Antebellum America by Tony A. Freyer 7 copies1994
Race Relations Litigation in an Age of Complexity by Stephen L. Wasby 5 copies1995
A Storm over This Court: Law, Politics, and Supreme Court Decision Making in Brown v. Board of Education by Jeffrey D. Hockett 4 copies2013
Strategic Selection: Presidential Nomination of Supreme Court Justices from Herbert Hoover through George W. Bush by Christine L. Nemacheck 6 copies2007
The Supreme Court Bar: Legal Elites in the Washington Community by Kevin T. McGuire 5 copies1993
To Build a Wall: American Jews and the Separation of Church and State by Gregg Ivers 4 copies1995
The View of the Courts from the Hill: Interactions between Congress and the Federal Judiciary by Mark C. Miller 6 copies2009
Voters' verdicts : citizens, campaigns, and institutions in state Supreme Court elections by Chris W. Bonneau 4 copies2015
The Warren Court in Historical and Political Perspective by Mark Tushnet 21 copies1993


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