SeriesTreasures of Art
Series author: Trewin Copplestone
11 Works
Popularity 25,936 (284 Members)
357 Books
1 Review
Edgar Degas (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 32 copies | |
Frank Lloyd Wright (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 45 copies | |
The Hudson River School by Trewin Copplestone 26 copies, 1 review | |
Leonardo (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 31 copies | |
Mary Cassatt by Trewin Copplestone 28 copies | |
Monet (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 57 copies | |
Paul Cezanne (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 23 copies | |
The Pre-Raphaelites by Trewin Copplestone 48 copies | |
Renoir (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 34 copies | |
Treasures of Art. The National Museum in Warsaw by Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie 2 copies | |
Van Gogh (Treasures of Art) by Trewin Copplestone 30 copies |
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