SeriesThe American Fort Series
9 Works
Popularity 35,551 (177 Members)
270 Books
1 Review
Fort Laramie and the Sioux Indians by Remi A. Nadeau 38 copies, 1 review | |
Forts of the Upper Missouri by Robert G. Athearn 44 copies | |
Guns at the Forks by Walter O'Meara 55 copies | |
Louisbourg: Key to a Continent by Fairfax Downey 24 copies | |
Sentinel of the plains: Fort Leavenworth and the American West by George H. Walton 17 copies | |
Sutter's Fort; gateway to the gold fields by Oscar Lewis 33 copies | |
Three Flags at the Straights: The Forts of Mackinac by Walter Havighurst 27 copies | |
Thundergate: The Forts of Niagara by Robert West Howard 15 copies | |
Vincennes: portal to the West by August Derleth 16 copies |
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