SeriesAmerican Trails Series [Arthur H. Clark Company]

27 Works Popularity 55,455 (85 Members) 182 Books 1 Review 4.3
The Bozeman trail; historical accounts of the blazing of the overland routes into the Northwest, and the fights with Red Cloud's warriors by Grace Raymond Hebard 14 copies, 1 review1-2
The Butterfield Overland Mail 1857-1869. Volume 1 by Roscoe P. Conkling 3 copies3
The Butterfield Overland Mail 1857-1869 Vol. II by Roscoe P. Conkling 3 copies4
The Butterfield Overland Mail 1857-1869 Vol. III by Roscoe P. Conkling 3 copies5
The Cheyenne and Black Hills stage and express routes by Agnes Wright Spring 21 copies6
The first military escort on the Santa Fe Trail, 1829; from the journal and reports of Major Bennet Riley and Lieutenant Philip St. George Cooke by Otis E. Young 6 copies7
Overland days to Montana in 1865 : The diary of Sarah Raymond and journal of Dr. Waid Howard (American trail series) by Raymond W. Settle 9 copies8
Stagecoaching on El Camino Real, Los Angeles to San Francisco, 1861-1901: The clouds on its origin,its turbulent and boisterous progress to the completion of the rails, (American Trails Series) by Charles F. Outland 9 copies9
The California gold rush overland diary of Byron N. McKinstry, 1850-1852 by Byron Nathan McKinstry 5 copies10
The road to California : the search for a southern overland route, 1540-1848 by Harlan Hague 9 copies11
Seeking the Elephant, 1849: James Mason Hutchings' Journal of His Overland Trek to California, Including His Voyage to America, 1848, and Letters Fro (American ... Series (Arthur H. Clark Company), 12.) by J. M. Hutchings 4 copies12
Beyond This Place There Be Dragons: The Routes of the Tragic Trek of the Death Valley 1849Ers Through Nevada... (American Trails Series) by George Koenig 5 copies14
The Notorious I. C. Woods of the Adams Express (American Trails Series) by Albert Shumate 6 copies15
This Emigrating Company: The 1844 Oregon Trail Journal of Jacob Hammer (American Trails Series) by Jacob Hammer 2 copies16
The Wagon Trains of '44: A Comparative View of the Individual Caravans in the Emigration of 1844 to Oregon (American Trails Series) by Thomas A. Rumer 5 copies17
To California on the Southern Route 1849: A History and Annotated Bibliography (American Trails Series) by Patricia A. Etter 10 copies18
The Bridger Trail: A Viable Alternative Route to the Gold Fields of Montana Territory in 1864 (American Trails) by James A Lowe 5 copies19
A Buckeye in the Land of Gold: The Letters and Journal of William Dennison Bickham by William Dennison Bickham 8 copies19
Children's Voices from the Trail: Narratives of the Platte River Road (American Trails Series) by Rosemary G. Palmer 8 copies20
California odyssey : an overland journey on the southern trails, 1849 by William R. Goulding 5 copies21
On the Western Trails: The Overland Diaries of Washington Peck (The American Trails Series) by Washington Peck 5 copies22
West from Salt Lake : diaries from the central overland trail by Jesse G. Petersen 3 copies23
The great medicine road : narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails by Michael L. Tate 3 copies24
The Great Medicine Road, Part 3: Narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, 1850–1855 (The American Trails Series) by Michael L. Tate 6 copies24
The Great Medicine Road, Part 1: Narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, 1840–1848 (The American Trails Series) by Michael L. Tate 13 copies24
The Great Medicine Road, Part 2: Narratives of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails, 1849 (The American Trails Series) by Michael L. Tate 6 copies24
Over the Santa Fe Trail to Mexico: The Travel Diaries and Autobiography of Dr. Rowland Willard (The American Trails) by Rowland Willard 6 copies25


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