SeriesUrban Life, Landscape and Policy

18 Works Popularity 53,697 (90 Members) 122 Books 1 Review
"Building like Moses with Jacobs in mind" : contemporary planning in New York City by Scott Larson 6 copies, 1 review2013
Atlanta Unbound: Enabling Sprawl through Policy and Planning (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Carlton Wade Basmajian 6 copies2013
Beyond Preservation: Using Public History to Revitalize Inner Cities (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Andrew Hurley 36 copies2010
Church and State in the City: Catholics and Politics in Twentieth-Century San Francisco (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by William Issel 7 copies2012
Environmental activism and the urban crisis : Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago by Robert R. Gioielli 3 copies2014
Ethnic renewal in Philadelphia's Chinatown : space, place, and struggle by Kathryn Wilson 6 copies2015
Fire on the Prairie: Harold Washington, Chicago Politics, and the Roots of the Obama Presidency (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Gary Rivlin 7 copies2012
For Both Cross and Flag: Catholic Action, Anti-Catholicism, and National Security Politics in World War II San Francisco by William Issel 7 copies2009
The Mutual Housing Experiment: New Deal Communities for the Urban Middle Class (Urban Life, Landscape, and Policy) by Kristin M. Szylvian 3 copies2016
A Nice Place to Visit: Tourism and Urban Revitalization in the Postwar Rustbelt (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Aaron Cowan 8 copies2016
Patriotic Professionalism in Urban China: Fostering Talent (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Lisa M. Hoffman 4 copies2010
The politics of staying put : condo conversion and tenant right-to-buy in Washington, DC by Carolyn Gallaher 2 copies2016
The Public and Its Possibilities: Triumphs and Tragedies in the American City (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by John D. Fairfield 5 copies2010
Second Cities: Globalization and Local Politics in Manchester and Philadelphia by Jerome I. Hodos 2 copies2011
To The City: Urban Photographs of the New Deal (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Julia L. Foulkes 6 copies2010
Vanishing Eden: White Construction of Memory, Meaning, and Identity in a Racially Changing City (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Michael T. Maly 4 copies2015
Walking in Cities: Quotidian Mobility as Urban Theory, Method, and Practice (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) by Evrick Brown 5 copies2015
The war on slums in the Southwest : public housing and slum clearance in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, 1935-1965 by Robert B. Fairbanks 3 copies2014


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