SeriesJudy Moody
Series author: Megan McDonald
57 Works
Popularity 1,018 (9,050 Members)
30,071 Books
325 Reviews
Judy Moody and Friends
Jessica Finch in Pig Trouble by Megan McDonald 241 copies | 1 |
Rocky Zang in The Amazing Mr. Magic by Megan McDonald 287 copies | 2 |
Amy Namey in Ace Reporter by Megan McDonald 142 copies | 3 |
Frank Pearl in The Awful Waffle Kerfuffle by Megan McDonald 107 copies | 4 |
Stink Moody in Master of Disaster by Megan McDonald 186 copies | 5 |
Triple Pet Trouble (Judy Moody and Friends) by Megan McDonald 185 copies, 1 review | 6 |
Mrs. Moody in The Birthday Jinx by Megan McDonald 88 copies | 7 |
April Fools', Mr. Todd! by Megan McDonald 185 copies | 8 |
Judy Moody, Tooth Fairy by Megan McDonald 85 copies | 9 |
Not-So-Lucky Lefty by Megan McDonald 54 copies, 1 review | 10 |
Searching for Stinkodon by Megan McDonald 29 copies | 11 |
Prank You Very Much by Megan McDonald 7 copies | 12 |
Judy Moody and the Missing Mood Ring by Megan McDonald 6 copies | 13 |
Izzy Azumi, F.D.O. (Future Dog Owner) by Megan McDonald 13 copies | 14 |
Judy Moody and Stink
The Holly Joliday by Megan McDonald 681 copies, 4 reviews | 1 |
The Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Treasure Hunt by Megan McDonald 633 copies, 8 reviews | 2 |
The Big Bad Blackout by Megan McDonald 208 copies | 3 |
The Wishbone Wish by Megan McDonald 174 copies, 1 review | 4 |
Grand-Slam Book-Bowl Jam by Megan McDonald 168 copies | 5 |
Judy Moody and the NOT Bummer Summer [2011 film] by John Schultz 37 copies | |
Judy Moody Keepsake Box by Megan McDonald 1 copy | |
The Judy Moody Mood Journal by Megan McDonald 29 copies, 1 review | |
Judy Moody's Best Mood Ever Coloring and Activity Book by Megan McDonald 1 copy | |
Judy Moody's Double-Rare Way-Not-Boring Book of Fun Stuff to Do by Megan McDonald 122 copies, 1 review | |
Judy Moody's Mini Mysteries and Other Sneaky Stuff for Super Sleuths by Megan McDonald 423 copies, 1 review | |
Judy Moody's Way Wacky Uber Awesome Book of More Fun Stuff to Do by Megan McDonald 38 copies |
Movie tie-in book
Judy Moody and The Thrill Points Race by Jamie Michalak 26 copies, 1 review | 2 |
Judy Moody Goes to Hollywood: Behind the Scenes with Judy Moody and Friends by Megan McDonald 41 copies | 3 |
Judy Moody and the Poop Picnic by Jamie Michalak 37 copies | 4 |
So You Want to Catch Bigfoot? by Jamie Michalak 28 copies | 5 |
Judy Moody's Thrill-a-delic Hunt for Bigfoot : An Activity Book by Kate Fletcher 2 copies |
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