SeriesDC Comics: Bombshells [print]
Series author: Marguerite Bennett
42 Works
Popularity 20,691 (390 Members)
938 Books
37 Reviews
Collections and Selections
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 1: Enlisted by Marguerite Bennett 326 copies, 13 reviews | Vol. 1 (1-6) |
DC Comics: Bombshells: The Deluxe Edition, Book One by Marguerite Bennett 19 copies, 1 review | Vol. 1 (1-6) |
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 2: Allies by Marguerite Bennett 174 copies, 6 reviews | Vol. 2 (7-12) |
DC Comics: Bombshells: The Deluxe Edition, Book Two by Marguerite Bennett 5 copies | Vol. 2 (7-12) |
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 3: Uprising by Marguerite Bennett 109 copies, 5 reviews | Vol. 3 (13-18) |
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 4: Queens by Marguerite Bennett 90 copies, 4 reviews | Vol. 4 (19-24) |
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 5: The Death of Illusion by Marguerite Bennett 77 copies, 3 reviews | Vol. 5 (26-29, Annual 1) |
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 6: War Stories by Marguerite Bennett 67 copies, 2 reviews | Vol. 6 (25, 30-33, Annual 1) |
The Art of DC Comics Bombshells by Ant Lucia 27 copies, 2 reviews | art book |
Top Members
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