PlacesRuhr, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Works (25)

Battle for the Ruhr: The German Army's Final Defeat in the West by Derek S. Zumbro
The Dam Busters by Paul Brickhill
Das Ekel von Datteln by Reinhard Junge
Essen Viehofer Platz oder Langensiepens Ende by Jürgen Lodemann
EUROPE'S GREATEST TRAMWAY NETWORK; tramways in the Rhein-Ruhr area of Germany by F. van der Gragt
The Illustrated History of the Nazis by Alessandra Minerbi
Kauderwelsch : Ruhrdeutsch : die Sprache des Reviers by Karl-Heinz Henrich
Kauderwelsch : Ruhrdeutsch : die Sprache des Reviers : Audio [sound recording] by Karl-Heinz Henrich
Kauderwelsch : Ruhrdeutsch : die Sprache des Reviers : Kassette by Karl-Heinz Henrich
Krupp: A History of the Legendary German Firm by Harold James
Marcellino's Restaurant Report : Ruhrgebiet by Marcellino M. Hudalla
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2003] by Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2005] by collectif Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2006] by Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2007] by Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2008] by Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2011, 9th. edition] by Michelin
Michelin map 543 : 1:350 000 : Germany : Midwest [2013] by Michelin
Milch und Kohle by Ralf Rothmann
Mining in World History (Reaktion Books - Globalities) by Martin Lynch
My Experiences As A Miner by Count Alexander Stenbock-Fermor
National Geographic Magazine 1922 v41 #5 May by Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
Radio Heimat: Geschichten von zuhause by Frank Goosen
The Ruhr and revolution: The revolutionary movement in the Rhenish-Westphalian industrial region, 1912-1919 by Jurgen Tampke
Zone industrielle - Industriele zone by Dolf Toussaint