
Works (27)

Battle Technology: The Magazine of Combat in the 31st Century (Issue #08 September 3029) by Bob CarterDraconis Combine
BattlePack: Fourth Succession War by Randall N. BillsDraconis Combine
A Bonfire of Worlds by Steven Mohan Jr.Republic of the Sphere
Children of Kerensky by Blaine Lee PardoeRepublic of the Sphere
ComStar by Donna IppolitoFederated Commonwealth
Dawn of the Jihad by Classic BattletechDraconis Combine
Field Manual: 3145 by Catalyst Game LabsRepublic of the Sphere
Field Report: Clans by Herbert A. Beas IIDraconis Combine
First Succession War by Herbert A. Beas IILyran Commonwealth
IlClanRepublic of the Sphere
Jihad Hot Spots: 3070 by Herbert A. Beas IIWord of Blake Protectorate
Jihad Secrets - The Blake Documents by Catalyst Game LabsDraconis Combine
MechWarrior: Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere
MechWarrior: Dark Age 3135 PDA Journals by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere
Mercenary's Handbook 3055 by Donna IppolitoDraconis Combine
NAIS The Fourth Succession War Military Atlas Volume 2 by Jr. Boy F. PetersenDraconis Combine
Necromo Nightmare by Herbert A. Beas IIDraconis Combine
Of 'Mechs and Men by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere
Path of Glory by Randall N. BillsLyran Alliance
Republic of the Sphere by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere
Republic Worlds by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere
Spotlight On: First Marik Protectors by Lance ScarinciDraconis Combine
The Star League by Boy F. Peterson Jr.Terran Hegemony
Sword and Fire by Thomas S. GressmanDraconis Combine
Total Chaos by Catalyst Game LabsDraconis Combine
Turning Points: Epsilon Eridani by Joshua C. PerianRepublic of the Sphere
Visions of Fire: The Battle for Ozawa! by WizKidsRepublic of the Sphere