Real Name
Austin Lawrence (and Dr. Maryanne Pearce)
About My Library
My library is shared with my wife - Dr. Maryanne Pearce. Subjects focus on Paganism, witchcraft, Germanic Paganism, Scandinavian history, cooking (especially international and historic), martial arts (especially historic European), criminology, homicide (especially serial offenders), First Nations, and fiction of various genres.
About Me
I am civil servant living in Ottawa with my wife, teenage daughter and young son. I am an oathed gothi associated with the American Vinland Association, an organizer of the Kaleidoscope Gathering, Hail and Horn Gathering, KornuKopia Gathering, and a Steward of Raven's Knoll. Aside from my interest in Paganism and Heathenry, I also enjoy cooking, brewing and martial arts.
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