
About My Library
The tags pretty much say it all. The ones that I consider the very best are marked "favorites." Some of them are included because they played important roles in my own development. Some of them are there because I found them exceptionally beautiful or well-written. I recommend all of those without hesitation. You'll also find a fair amount of fiction and poetry, a good number of books on religion and history (collections seeded by old college courses), and an eclectic smattering of other sorts of things that I've gathered.

These are all books that I own. It felt like cheating to add books that aren't really in my library. I just couldn't stand not having a place to list the additional books that I've read and enjoyed but don't own, though, so I created a separate account, "BibliophiliaHasRead" to keep track of them. Had I unlimited funds, the books on that (as yet very incomplete) list would be added to my physical library in short order.
About Me
A lifelong lover of books. This list includes my small (compared to many of you on here!) personal library.
Los Angeles, CA