
mystery (35), sci-fi (25), police procedural (25), fantasy (13), urban fantasy (8), occult (6), Fantasy (4), religion (3), psychic stuff (3), Bujold (3), hard sf (2), medieval (2), Vor (2), adventure (2), anthology (2), military sf (2), Scifi (2), Miles (2), romance (2), veterinarian (2), History (1), Romance (1), mythology (1), elves (1), Chalion (1), alternate world (1), SciFi (1), mechanics (1), ring of fire (1), Chick-lit. (1), Cherryh (1), eddic poetry (1), history (1), rodents (1), nature (1), historical fiction (1), war (1), alternate history (1), comics (1), vampires (1), cats (1), minnesota (1), science fiction (1), werewolves (1), military (1), greek mythology (1), humor (1), magic (1), tools (1), health (1), possession (1), culture shock (1), insurrection (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 22, 2007
About My Library
My library is sort of eclectic, with a strong fantasy, science fiction, mystery and romance presence. I have some reference books, art and theatre, and whatever has piqued my interest via something else (usually fictional)that I have read, or seen on tv or in a movie. Lots of my books are in boxes from various moves, and I am hoping this cataloguing (sp?) will help me weed things out.

Also I needed some way for me to have the star ratings make sense to me, and so far have not found any description of the ratings (If there is one, someone please let me know.)

So I have come up with my own description:

* I really did not like it. Not worth recommending.
Give away fast!
Leave it on the bus or at a train station.

** Not great, but someone might like it.
Give away/donate.

*** I enjoyed it.
I might keep it, esp. if it's an author I collect.
Might give it away.

**** Really good. Definitely a keeper.
Recommend to folks who like the genre/author.

***** Great. Recommend to friends, even strangers.
Maybe even buy them a copy!
Or give them mine and go buy another.
About Me
I am a book-loving female with a couple of cats and an addiction to self-help books, which may or may not end up on this list.
Chicago, USA
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Other: Newberry Library Book Fair