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Mar 1, 2010
Real Name
Concord Friends Meeting
About My Library
[last edited 2015-12-07T1035]
Most of our library is in bookcases on the east wall of the fellowship room of the meetinghouse.

The items for young people are kept in the small meeting room behind the bookcases.

The library is catalogued using the Dewey Decimal Classification Edition 22 (DDC22) and Dewey Decimal Classification Edition 23 (DDC23). DDC was used because of its familiarity and relatively low cost (compared to the Library of Congress schedules). The goal was to make the collection easier to browse; no claim is made for having used the ‘best’ classification number ... or to have done it correctly.

Call numbers are listed in the “Dewey/Melvil” column of the catalogue information. When possible, items are on shelves in call-number order without regard to media or form. The Cutter-Sanborn numbers are derived from the OCLC’s Windows program, which is available from
[See also, ]

[NOTE: The following data descriptions are based on the notation described in]

Call number = * where an item is meant to be on a shelf *
    DDC number +
    [Cutter / Cutter Sanborn number * usually for ‘Author Name’ * |
     Creator abbreviation ] +
    0:1{Title abbreviation} * at least first letter * +
    0:1{Year of publication or printing}
    * For example, the call number for
    Zen in the art of archery by Eugen Herrigel,
    which was reprinted in paperback in 1989 by Vintage,
    would be “799.32 H566Z 1989” *

There are some variations in this structure. For example, call numbers for biographies are usually structured as
    DDC number +
    Subject Cutter / Cutter Sanborn number * abbreviated * +
    Author Cutter / Cutter Sanborn number * abbreviated * +
    0:1{Title abbreviation} +
    0:1{Year of publication}
    * For example, the call number for
    Prisoner’s dilemma [a biography of mathematician John von Neumann]
    by William Poundstone,
    which was published by Doubleday in 1992,
    would be “510.92B V66 P68 1992” (Some might argue that “V66” should be “N39”.) *

[NB.  For sound recordings of music, we now mostly use Option C of 789.  For example,
  folk music in 789.2,
  American folk music in 789.213,
  British Isles folk music in 789.221,
  Spanish folk music in 789.261,
  Ukrainian folk music in 789.291791,
  country music in 789.42,
  reggae music in 789.46,
  electronica in 789.48 * including “new age” *,
  jazz music in 789.5,
  rock music in 789.6,
  folk rock music in 789.6172,
  classical music in 789.8,
  operas & dramatic vocal forms in 789.8121,
  symphony orchestral music in 789.8142.]

In the catalogue :
Comments = * some data not contained elsewhere when this catalogue was started *
    dimensions * now in “Dimensions” in units of [inches ; centimeters] * +
    prices +
    0:1{item vendor or source} * now in “From where?” * +
    0:1{acquisition date-time} * now in “Date acquired” *

dimensions = * order is from the point of view of an item sitting on a shelf.
For a book : cover-height × cover-width × spine-width; dimension units in millimetres (mm); accuracy meant to be ±1 mm.
Typical shelf heights range from 285 mm to 301 mm (~11¼ in. to ~11⅞ in.);
typical shelf depths range from 215 mm to 273 mm (~8½ in. to ~10¾ in.).
Such dimensions should accommodate ring-binders for
ANSI/ASME Y14.1 “ANSI A”, “letter-size” paper (279.4 mm [11 in.] × 215.9 mm [8½ in.], an aspect ratio of 1:~√1.67474),
which are typically 297 mm (~11¾ in.) high and 280 mm (~11 in.) deep, but not
ISO 216 A4 paper (297 mm [~11¾ in.] × 210 mm [~8¼ in.], an aspect ratio of 1:√2),
which are typically 318 mm (slightly > ~12½ in.) high and 267 mm (~10½ in.) deep.

    cover_height * measured vertically * +
    cover_width * measured horizontally * +
    spine_width * horizontal edge *

prices = * prices, if known *
    0:1{price_publisher * the ‘recommended’ price at time of publishing *} +
    0:1{price_purchased * the actual purchase price if different from cover price, usually in parentheses * }

price =
    currency_unit +

currency_unit = * ISO 4217 code *
    [ $ * USD * ;
     ¢ * USD×0.01 * ;
     CA$ * CAD * ;
     £ * GBP * ;
     € * EUR * ]

Some abbreviations used
(from and
“n.l.” : no location of publication
“s.l.” : sine loco [without a place] used to indicate that the place of publication of a work is unknown
“n.p.” : no place of publication; no publisher
“s.n.” : sine nomine [without a name] used to indicate that the publisher (or distributor, etc.) of a work is unknown, or not printed or specified on the work
“n.d.” : no date of publication
“s.a.” : sine anno [without a year] used to indicate that the date of publication of a work is unknown
About Me
The Concord (NH) Friends Meeting is a part of Dover Quarterly Meeting in New England Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). The meetinghouse is near the Canterbury/Concord/Boscawen border,
11 Oxbow Pond Road, Canterbury, NH 03224

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Interesting Library