
science fiction (28), time travel fiction (13), fantasy (11), fiction (9), climate change (9), Botswana (8), women detectives (8), capitalism (7), Ireland (6), Washington DC (5), Scotland (5), prehistoric people (5), planetary physics (3), Vermont (3), American government (3), local economy (3), American Revolution (3), women in the military (3), language (3), earth history (2), travel guides (2), Edinburgh Scotland (2), peak oil (2), libraries (2), community development (2), Green Party (2), vegetable gardens (2), short stories (2), women pilots (2), near future (2), climate change fiction (2), secession (2), poetry (2), England (2), 1960s (2), World War II (2), community resilience (2), New Jersey (1), women scientists and engineers (1), democracy (1), space travel (1), farming (1), President Trump (1), city planning (1), Mississippi (1), scientists and engineers (1), Vineland NJ (1), NASA (1), news (1), regionalism (1), scientific method (1), bottled water (1), intentional communities (1), Protestant churches (1), renewable energy (1), elves (1), Israel/Palestine (1), British National Gallery (1), African-American communities (1), Bernie Sanders (1), American states (1), future America (1), 2016 Presidential election (1), African-American maids (1), museum guards (1), woman philosophers (1), mid-20th century America (1), power grid (1), interconnected systems (1), Michelle Obama (1), medieval England (1), Sandinistas (1), American regional culture (1), Appalachia (1), Outlander (1), Washington state (1), Bible Belt (1), voting machines (1), Middle Ages (1), renaissance faires (1), public water supply (1), Christianity (1), New England ecology (1), Africa (1), Seattle (1), fracking (1), ecovillages (1), infrastructure (1), women scientists (1), autism (1), clergy (1), engineering (1), food (1), counterculture (1), abortion (1), North Carolina (1), evolution (1), leadership (1), peace (1), butterflies (1), horses (1), immigrants (1), ecology (1), nature (1), missionaries (1), musicians (1), art (1), women (1), war (1), families (1), science (1), history (1), romance (1), United States (1), houses (1), culture (1), dinosaurs (1), Victorian England (1), economics (1), women's history (1), small towns (1), communication (1), geography (1), career guidance (1), mind reading (1), social media (1), electrification (1), introverts (1), history of engineering (1), environmental science fiction (1), left-wing politics (1), civic life (1), history of physics (1), bicycles (1), spy novels (1), interpersonal communication (1), money management (1), sustainable agriculture (1), surveying (1), measurement (1), Darwin (1), newspapers (1), Native Americans (1), globalization (1), science education (1), Pern (1), healthy eating (1), American politics (1), environmental economics (1), South Africa (1), Jewish families (1), Southern Africa (1), hurricanes (1), personal finance (1), women in business (1), rockets (1), women space pilots (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 17, 2019
Real Name
Denise Brush
About My Library
Non-fiction: progressive politics, elections, gardening, climate change, history of science, women scientists and engineers, Christianity
Fiction: science fiction, fantasy, light mystery, romance, historical and time travel fiction, classic children's literature
About Me
I'm an engineering and science librarian at a small public university. Outside of work I'm active in environmental and community organizations, and recently agreed to help out a local historical museum organize their library. I'm also into music, gardening, and craft beer. And of course, I love to read and discover new books, and have been writing a book review blog for the past 7 years!
New Jersey