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About My Library
My library is not the most updat because I lend books out befor I put them in so bear with me. Also my library is in the middle of being organize I hope to have done before school starts so, give me sometime but hit me up on the other account that one is getting a makeover first. I really do want to start writing reviews and tagging books.
About Me
Hi I'm Courtney and I'm 18. I love to read (no duh its a book site 0.o). I enjoy photgraph, video gaming, reading, watching TV, and listening to music and sometimes I do all these things at once wich is way hard. Biggest thing you need to know about me I give the best book suggestions ever in my group of friends and classmates, I mean I can get someone who hates to read and give them the best book to read in their short little lives. I'm good at picking books for people personalilties(yea if you haven't gussed yet I total suck at spelling so I apogize[sp??]now). This is my main account this one is for books I read and the other account(ElWantsBooks)for ones I haven't and want to read. Please me cooments and reccomend books to me on the other account plz. You can reach me easier on El account for the time being or on one of the messangers below and if I really like you I'll give you my cell number so we can text or chat.
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