
Your library (11,439)
ebook (6,011), fantasy (982), sf (940), anthology (508), trade (491), HC (310), WS (265), horror (234), collection (191), vamps (173), lgbt+ (173), contemporary fantasy (162), sf/f (147), psi (145), feminist sf/f (144), faerie (126), fashion & costume (121), spec fic (102), Greece (101), YA (100), signed (97), folklore (89), religion: Greek (83), Renaissance (80), weres (76), pagan (68), occult (65), Xianity (65), FN/NA (65), mystery (62), quilts (61), art history (61), warfare (60), Japan (59), history: topical (58), history: Britain (58), medieval (56), mythology (56), Italy (55), cpunk (55), architecture (54), illo (52), shared world (51), antiquity (49), kindle (49), fantasy-folk (48), Scotland (48), biography (47), time travel (47), urban fantasy (47), sexuality (46), history: Europe (46), Rome (46), myth: Celtic (45), folk tale (42), romance: regency (41), writing (40), suspense (40), tv (39), museum (39), post apoc (39), language (38), humour (37), Ireland (37), sewing (37), how-to (37), memoir (36), romance (36), historical: Britain (36), textiles (36), classics: Greece & Rome (35), omnibus (34), Arthur (33), GN (33), historical: mystery (33), WOC (32), Norse (31), dystopia (30), USA (30), Egypt (30), s&s (29), history: lgbt (29), Canada (29), alt history (28), ws* (28), England (28), myth: Greek (28), historical fantasy: Britain (28), poetry (28), historical: ancient (27), India (27), China (27), children (26), history: magic (26), magic (25), historical fantasy: Europe (25), art design (25), archaeology (24), steampunk (24), patterns (24), ebooks (23), nature (23), thriller (23), needlework (23), herbalism (23), Britain (22), urban history (22), religion (22), Tolkien (21), history: medieval (21), LE (20), para romance (20), history: Celtic (20), medicine (20), ANE (19), crafts (19), CM (19), food (19), literature (18), erotica (18), Florence (18), osprey (18), historical fantasy: ancient (17), religion: ancient (17), Venice (17), design: Celtic (17), semiotics (17), music (17), costume (17), Celtic (17), Russia (16), essays (16), sacred landscape (16), garden (16), rpg (15), Islam (15), goddess (15), film (14), chapbook (14), Asia (14), Africa (13), religion: indig (13), historical: Italy (13), Hinduism (13), mythic fantasy (13), calendar (13), jewellery (12), Judaism (12), Kabbalah (12), classics: England (12), alt history: ancient (11), magical realism (10), witch studies (10), etymology (10), philosophy (10), religion: world (10), Athens (10), history: England (10), Iceland (10), Roma (10), France (10), history: Americas (10), tarot (10), myth: classical (10), pagan studies (10), death (10), manga (9), Mexico (9), glass (9), theatre (9), fanzine (9), alchemy (9), hagiography (9), historical fantasy: China (9), religion: ritual (9), law (8), historical: Europe (8), Maya (8), folklore: faerie (8), woodwork (8), Buddhism (7), historical fantasy: USA (7), fiction (7), historical fantasy: Ireland (7), alt history: Europe (7), dianic (7), knitting (7), Hebrides (7), magazine (7), divination (7), ceramics (7), corsets (7), period reprint (7), Australia (6), lace (6), labyrinth (6), historical fantasy: Italy (6), religion: Roman (6), names (6), historical: England (6), TOR (6), Crete (6), Orkney (6), sculpture (6), historical fantasy: Japan (6), reno (6), weird fantasy (5), ethnology (5), Hekate (5), Etruscan (5), historical fantasy: Celtic (5), Polynesia (5), NYC (5), heraldry (5), sf/f ref (5), myth: theory (5), Athene (5), analogue (5), math & science (5), cookbook (5), classics: Italy (4), London (4), history (4), Spain (4), gothic (4), historical fantasy (4), historical: China (4), herstory (4), epigraphy (4), Europe (4), canlit (4), epistolary (3), Erte (3), philology (3), Ukraine (3), Thailand (3), pagan: Feri (3), Shetland (3), para chick lit (3), vintage (3), Arab (3), historical: WWII (3), Bedouin (3), artist (3), Iran (3), historical: USA (3), Artemis (3), stamps (3), historical: Japan (2), historical fantasy: France (2), historical lit: Italy (2), myth: medieval (2), Cybele (2), historical fantasy: Greece (2), chakras (2), Toronto (2), horses (2), Americas (2), antiques (2), astrology (2), Nigeria (2), anime (2), thesaurus (2), Babylon (2), dance (2), Byzantium (2), historical fantasy: Asia (2), Khmer (2), Hawai'i (2), Milan (2), Delphi (2), Turkey (2), maritine (2), para mystery (2), Vietnam (2), Germany (2), encyclopedia (2), Inanna (2), tattoo (2), Orvieto (2), ya (1), museum. Maya (1), travel (1), comics (1), anthropology (1), novella (1), pagan crit (1), alt history: WWII (1), Trek (1), cathedral (1), Naples (1), Victorian (1), metalwork (1), historical: Korea (1), +kindle (1), historical lit: England (1), Iraq (1), historical: ME (1), historical: India (1), historical: Greece (1)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Mar 28, 2011
About My Library
I have a lot of books and I use a lot of idiosyncratic tags. Here's a brief explanation; categories subject to change without notice:

ebook - epub or multiple formats
kindle - kindle version only

history - divided by subject area, usually academic press
historical fantasy - fantasy works heavily influenced by historical cultures
historical fiction - fiction set in historical periods
alt history - a world where one particular event changed history thereafter

feminist sf/f - speculative fiction written by self-identified authors; works that predominantly address gender, racial, social/cultural issues

lgbt - works addressing lgbt et al concerns, especially gender & sexuality; works by self-identified authors, fiction works featuring prominent lgbt characters & relationships

FN/NA - works addressing First Nation/Native American issues, themes and cultures; works by self-identified authors

WS - women's studies/history; women's spirituality

HC - hardcovers, so I know what bookcase to look on
trade - trade paperback fiction, also so I know where to look

collection - a collection of shorter works or short stories by a single author
anthology - a collection of shorter works or short stories by multiple authors
omnibus - a collection of larger, previously published single works

spec fiction - speculative works that lacks genre specificity

horror - works (usually with supernatural elements) that frighten or disturb; I tag contemporary vamp or werewolf books separately as very few manage to hit my fright button

sf/f - works (usually older) of speculative fiction that blur sf and f genre lines (eg. secondary world fantasy set on separate planets)

psi - mental stuff; telepathy, PK, precog et al

sf (science fiction) - works of futurism and/or works that require some degree of science or extrapolated science as a significant element

post apoc - aftermath of some great disaster

dystopia - someplace you really don't want to live

fantasy - works with fantastical elements, usually set in a secondary world

urban fantasy - fantasy (usually modern) where a particular city or urban environment plays a significant role in the story

contemporary fantasy - fantasy in the modern world

faerie - elves, fey, fairies, the Sidhe, or any variation or combination thereof

folklore - books regarding folk customs and belief

folk tale - folk collections; also speculative fiction involving folk customs, beliefs; retold stories

romance - characters' relationship is the driving force of the book
para romance - one or more of the major character is supernatural/magical

YA - young adult genre fiction

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