Kids (110), Christian Living (59), Biography (46), Fiction (44), Storybook (37), Mystery (24), CF LEP (24), AV (24), CF RUE (23), DVD (17), Prayer (15), CF STA (13), CD (11), CF SNE (11), 245 LUC (9), Devotional (9), Audio Story (8), Marriage (7), F WIC (7), Bible Study (7), Bible Story (7), YOU RUS (6), Church (6), Apologetics (6), Jesus (6), Bible Characters (5), Contemporary Issues (5), Mental Health (5), Inspirational (5), Spiritual Health (5), AUD (5), F WOO (4), F THO (4), Christ (4), 245 SWI (4), Work (4), Relationships (4), Youth (4), CF OKE (4), YM (4), Christian Life (3), Missions (3), Nonfiction (3), Psalms (3), Theology (3), 243 SHE (3), 245 STA (3), Parenting (3), Holy Spirit (3), Heroes of the Faith (3), Heaven (3), CF MER (3), CF LEW (3), F AUS (2), 4 discs (2), F BLA (2), 267 WEL (2), 245 YAN (2), CF BER (2), Personal Stories (2), 8 discs (2), CF FIT (2), Bible Handbooks (2), 267 HAN (2), 220.2 STR (2), 241 MOO (2), 243 CYM (2), 241 WAL (2), 245 BRI (2), 267 CHA (2), 267 MIL (2), 245 JER (2), F ALC (2), F WIS (2), F NOB (2), 267 GRA (2), CF LUC (2), F YTT (2), 220.4 WIL (2), 267 CAR (2), 245 KOE (2), 246 LEM (2), Christmas (2), Narnia (2), CHA (2), Freedom in Christ (2), Bible Questions (2), Healing (2), New Testament (2), Leadership (2), RIC (2), World Religions (2), Bible Lands (2), 3 discs (2), Christian Life & Contemporary Issues (2), Sex (2), Bible (2), Worship (2), Pictures (2), missing (2), 240 DAI (1), YOU ROS (1), 242 MAC (1), 245 MAT (1), CBS AME (1), 267 GEM (1), 267 BLA (1), 267 MAL (1), 243 MUN (1), 245 GRU (1), 245 SCH (1), 267 KIE (1), YOU HAM (1), 243 HYB (1), Inspirational Life (1), 246 CHR (1), CF LEV (1), TUC243 (1), 246 STR (1), 246 ROS (1), 246.2 CHA (1), 246.2 DOB (1), 249 ART (1), 249 WRI (1), ORT244 (1), 245 DEY (1), 267 HAM (1), 261 DAW (1), 245REI (1), 267 McD (1), 245RIG (1), 245MAT (1), 245 PER (1), 246 YUA (1), 267 SHE (1), 267 SAA (1), 267 MET (1), 245 WHI (1), 241 PET (1), 213 ROS (1), 267 YUA (1), 245 BUC (1), 243 PIE (1), 241 ORT (1), 252 SHE (1), Devotional and Study Helps (1), 231 TAD (1), 245 SCA (1), 245 ALL (1), 230 ALL (1), 245 MAX (1), 267 BAR (1), 246 KIM (1), 267 DIA (1), 245 STR (1), 246.2 KIM (1), 249 HUG (1), 230 HAL (1), 245 MAC (1), 224 MAX (1), 246 TOB (1), 245 REI (1), 245.1 SMA (1), 261 PIC (1), 245 PAG (1), CNF VER (1), 241 WIE (1), 237 HOY (1), 246 LEW (1), 267 NAY (1), 267 SWI (1), 267 VAL (1), F COF (1), 241 NIK (1), 237 JEF (1), CNF PAR (1), CNF WAL (1), 267 BEA (1), 243 MOO (1), 243 JER (1), 237 ANK (1), CNF SHE (1), CF BYR (1), YOU SNE (1), 267 SJO (1), 267 PIP (1), 267 BON (1), 241 CHE (1), kids (1), 241 LUT (1), 246 JAH (1), Chronic Pain (1), Surfing (1), Audio book (1), Illness (1), Self esteem (1), Mentoring (1), Praise (1), Topical (1), Arch (1), WIL (1), psalm 23 (1), 5 discs (1), Money (1), F HEN (1), 239 KEN (1), F BUN (1), MCD (1), F OKE (1), F HUN (1), OKE (1), Biblical Cosmology (1), F JAM (1), F PET (1), F ROB (1), Spiritual Disciplines (1), Creationism (1), F VAN (1), child labour (1), Forgiveness (1), Evangelism (1), Conflict Resolution (1), CNF (1), Bible story (1), Proverbs (1), Local history (1), NIV (1), 1 Peter (1), Sabbath (1), BOW (1), God the Father (1), Gospels (1), BUR (1), Easter (1), God (1), Biblical Archeology (1), F MART (1), F KIN (1), Non-fiction (1), Dictionary (1), Slavery (1), Finance (1), Gifts (1), F STA (1), F YOU (1), 246 FOX (1), 245 CHA (1), 243 BOU (1), 243 CRA (1), 243 HUL (1), 243 OMA (1), 243 RIN (1), 243 YOU (1), 244 BUC (1), 244 SCA (1), 244 STO (1), 244 SWI (1), 245 AND (1), 245 COL (1), 242 DEE (1), 245 GRA (1), 245 HEN (1), 245 KIN (1), 245 MOO (1), 245 SAN (1), 245 SMI (1), 245 STO (1), 245 WRI (1), 245 BUR (1), 246 DOB (1), 246 BUR (1), 242 EDW (1), 241 TEN (1), 230 MAR (1), 267 SCH (1), 242 BRI (1), not shelved (1), 260 BAR (1), 232 LUC (1), 232 YAN (1), 242 CHA (1), YOD (1), 230 ERI (1), F RAN (1), 232.9 WRI (1), 239 STA (1), 243 WIL (1), 244 AND (1), Trinity Western University (1), 220.2 VAN (1), 231 SWI (1), A/B EAR (1), 221 GRE (1), 241 SWI (1), 231 SAN (1), 237 WAL (1), biography (1), 241 OWI (1), 241 RUS (1), LUZ245 (1)
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Nov 4, 2013
Real Name
Fort Langley Community Church
About My Library
Our library has about 1200 items, mainly Christian fiction, biographies and Christian living titles. We also have a kids section and a small cd and dvd collection.

About Me

Fort Langley Community Church is located in historic Fort Langley BC. Drop by and check out our library in the foyer.

You can browse our catalogue here on LibraryThing,(click the catalogue link below) or search it by entering words into the search box at the top right of the catalogue screen. LibraryThing won't tell you if a book is signed out or currently available. Please come to the library in person to check out your books with our card system.
Fort Langley BC