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Jul 4, 2013
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About My Library
popular and obscure classics; existential and absurdist fiction
About Me
I lived in Japan for three years. I’ve been to Tokyo and Sydney on the same weekend. I got lost in Sicily’s capital. I dune-bashed my way to a Bedouin banquet in the desert outside of Dubai. I ate raw octopus in the island paradise of Seychelles. I visited the world’s largest seated metal Buddha, twice. I found a Chinese restaurant in Hong Kong (harder than you’d think). I walked to the Met by way of Central Park. I explored two Japanese castles, and more shrines and temples than I could count. I rode in a bumboat in Singapore, home of the mer-lion, where chewing gum is forbidden. I climbed 272 steps to a Malaysian cave full of statues and tame monkeys. I rode an elephant down a river in Thailand. I expressed my sorrow at Hypocenter Park in Nagasaki.
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