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D. 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Oct 23, 2010
Real Name
Golden Valley Lutheran Church
About My Library
The purpose of the GVLC library is to provide our congregation’s adults, youth and children with a variety of Christian books, DVDs and CDs - connecting people to Jesus and His saving word. Note that you can search by title, author or subject. For more specific helps, pick up a LibraryThing help flyer in the GVLC library.

Checkout Process for All Materials (books, videos, audio tapes, CDs and DVDs):

1. Fill out the checkout card (inside the resource) with your first and last name and phone number. Stamp the date due on the card, using the date stamp provided.

2. Place the card in the wooden box. Cards are arranged by section number (found on the top of the card or on the spine of the book).

3. Stamp the due date on a small slip of paper (provided) and put it in the resource for your reference.

Length of Checkout (all materials): 3 Weeks
About Me
Golden Valley Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. We're a community of people who seek to touch lives with Jesus' love. We're a community of open hearts, open minds, and open eyes … A place to belong, feel welcome, worship, praise, and ultimately serve God.
5501 Glenwood Avenue, Golden Valley, MN 55422

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