
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Apr 8, 2007
About My Library
I have many books on herbalism and herbs, a lot of fiction and science fiction, a smaller march of books on science, and history.
About Me
I am a blonde, blue eyed woman, 5'8" tall, living in Portland, OR. I am a SCAdian archer and an artiller, and I have a Roman-Briton persona. I am a writer and an artist, and have had some of my work published. I am a botanist and an herbalist, and make some of my own herbal medicines. I cook well. I am self directed and self reliant and have a strong personality. I sing in the Aurora Chorus, a 120 voice women's choir that performs two concerts and several outreach events every year. My newest ongoing subjects of study are Latin, chemistry, basic geometry, history, and literature, including historical fiction. I am becoming more interested in the sciences and have been exploring many things I never used to aask questions about.
Portland, OR