
Real Name
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
About My Library
This online catalog was created by G. Gunterson in 2015-2016 to help keep track of the books in the KITP's reading room. It is a work in progress.
About Me

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) is a research institute of the University of California, Santa Barbara. KITP is one of the most renowned institutes for theoretical physics in the world, and brings theorists in physics and related fields together to work on topics at the forefront of theoretical science. The National Science Foundation has been the principal supporter of the Institute since it was founded as the Institute for Theoretical Physics in 1979. In a 2007 article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, KITP was given the highest impact index in a comparison of nonbiomedical research organizations across the U.S.
University of California, Santa Barbara