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About My Library
Lots of art. Agro-ecology, poetry, anarchism, human struggle, birding, travel, environment, history, spanish, little bit of fiction, revolution, food, and more...
About Me
Currently working as an digital archivist (Smithsonian). Archivist for DC Punk Archive at DCPL. Coordinator for Food Not Bombs DC.
CAT 1 Cyclist, runner, anarchist, freeschool teacher. I have a strong interest in zines and zine zine culture. Likes also include: Spotify, bikes, farming, birding, LINUX, serials, Criterion Collection etc...
Baltimore, MD
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Bookstores: Atomic Books, Capitol Hill Books, Normal's Book & Records, Quimby's Bookstore, The Book Thing of Baltimore, Inc., Wooden Shoe Books

Libraries: ABC No Rio Zine Library, Cornell University - Hotel Library, Cornell University - Mann Library, Durland Alternatives Library, Library of Congress, Library of Freer and Sackler Galleries of Asian Art - Smithsonian Libraries, National Air and Space Museum Library - Smithsonian Libraries, National Museum of American History Library - Smithsonian Libraries

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