
Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Aug 9, 2010
About My Library
I seem to have a rather strange taste in books, so forgive me if I post some seemingly offensive reviews, da? I know of many fangirls who would shoot me in the face with a bazooka if they found out what I rated some *cough* rather popular *hack, hack, sparklepire* books. I'll always be completely honest here because it's pretty much the only place on the Internet that I'll be able to do so about books without getting killed.
About Me
I could be described as an avid reader (at least by all the people who know me) but I'm also an otaku (not the worshipping type, just the "the Japanese are surpassing the most of us, so let's try and learn" type. And I like BL...of course. 8D). I play the piano and the trumpet and I like cheese. A lot. ^_^
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