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Oct 18, 2008
Real Name
Manuel Menezes de Sequeira
About My Library
My LibraryThing library is about half the size of the physical one (it is a pain to add Portuguese books, since the sources of data are very limited), which I don't think I will ever fully read. Most of the books are non-fiction, including some technical books (IT stuff, mostly programming), a lot of books centered around political philosophy, and some science fiction.
About Me
I irrationally love physical books, their smell, their touch, their looks. Ironically, though, most of my "reading" is now really listening. Since my friend Randall introduced me to audiobooks and I gave them a try, I haven't been able to live without them. I read while walking, while driving, while doing house chores, whenever I have the chance.
Rua do Cabo de Baixo das Casas 1, 9960-630 Mosteiro, Portugal
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Bookstores: El Corte Inglés (Livraria), Livraria Solmar, Loja do Museu Paula Rego: Casa das Histórias, Papelaria O Telégrapho

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