Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Jun 11, 2017
Real Name
Melinda Craig
About My Library
I love to read and tend to flock towards fantasy and mystery (especially mysteries with a paranormal touch to them!) You'll likely see a ton of those in my library. :)
About Me
Melinda Craig is the author of The Triton Series & The Lindsey Smith Detective Series: a fantasy and mystery set of short stories. Her published works include Beneath the Water, Escaping the Tide, and Dangerous to the Touch. Currently, she is working on the next short story in The Triton Series, titled: Diving in Deep.

A Bit About Me:

Well...where to really begin? Hmm...if I started with anything I guess it would be my love of books and writing (to me, you can't write without loving to read). I hope my short stories give readers the same feeling I had when I read some of my favorite authors. To this day, I can remember picking up my first short story set that had side stories from Charlaine Harris's Sookie Stackhouse tales. I loved the feeling of amusement and enthralling tales that took me to another place. That was probably a turning point for me...I knew I loved to write, but I realized most all of my tales and stories were more short stories or novelettes.

Writing stories and publishing them, seemed to be the next step in life as I've been scribbling stories and thoughts in journals for as long as I can remember (a piece of me that has passed down to my two oldest daughters). I am a mom to four beautiful and sometimes rotten children. My stories tend to be inspired and written late in the night when everyone is deep in dreamland. I spend way too much time on Pinterest looking at office ideas for a writing studio and author notes, tips, and good book suggestions...along with a thousand other things! I read...a lot and that about sums it up.

You can see any new works in progress on my author website:
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