
Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5) (1,186), Reading Level-Middle (6-8) (1,106), NCSS Standards Theme--People-Places-Environments (1,092), NCSS Standards Theme--Individual Development and Identity (1,018), NCSS Standards Theme--Time-Continuity-Change (876), NCSS Standards Theme--Culture (853), Reading Level-Primary (K-2) (676), NCSS Standards Theme--Individuals-Groups-Institutions (626), Reading Level-High (9-12) (556), Biography (488), NCSS Standards Theme--Power-Authority-Governance (424), Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-Middle (6-8) (373), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5) (358), NCSS Standards Theme--Civic Ideals and Practices (329), Reading Level-Middle (6-8)Reading Level-High (9-12) (318), NCSS Standards Theme--Global Connections (309), NCSS Standards Theme--Science-Technology-Society (242), Contemporary Concerns (210), & Culture in the Americas (209), Life (209), History (209), History-Life and Culture in the Americas (187), World History and Culture (185), History-Life-and Culture in the Americas (180), History Life (180), History-Life & Culture in the Americas (149), Social Interactions-Relationships (142), World History & Culture (119), NCSS Standards Theme--Production-Distribution-Consumption (118), Geography Peoples & Places (79), Peoples (78), Geography (78), and Places (78), Folktales (71), Reference (63), History-life and Culture in the Americas (54), Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-Middle (6-8)Reading Level-High (9-12) (54), Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)A (52), Environment-Energy-Ecology (50), Geography-People-Places (46), A (43), Geography-Peoples-Places (42), Contemporary Issues (39), Social Interactions & Relationships (35), Social Interactions - Relationships (34), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-Middle (6-8) (32), History-Life and Cultures in the Americas (24), Women's History (24), Social Interactions -Relationships (21), Social Interactions and Relationships (19), Environment and Ecology (18), and Legends (17), Geograpy-Peoples-Places (17), Myths (17), Folktales Myths & Legends (17), Culture (15), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-Middle (6-8)H (9), Reading Level-Middle (6-8)H (9), Environment-Ecology (9), Geography-Poeple-Places (8), Environments-Energy-Ecology (8), Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-Primary (K-2) (6), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)A (6), NCSS Standards Theme--Science-Technology-Society Environment & Ecology (6), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Middle (6-8) (6), Self-Identity (6), Reading Level-Middle (6-8)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5) (5), Reading Level-High (9-12)Reading Level-Middle (6-8) (5), Energy (5), Environment (5), and Ecology (5), Economics (4), Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-High (9-12) (3), Reading Level-High (9-12)M (2), Civic Ideals and Practices (2), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Intermediate (3-5)Reading Level-High (9-12)M (2), HS (2), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-High (9-12) (2), NCSS Standards Theme--Culture--Self-Identity (2), Religion (1), Traditional Lit. -Myths (1), Reading Level-Primary (K-2)Reading Level-Middle (6-8)Reading Level-High (9-12) (1), Not avaliable (1), Not Avaliable (1), Reading Level-HS (9-12) (1), NCSS Standards Them--People-Places-Environements (1), B (1), All (1)
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Dec 22, 2020