preservation (125), conservation and restoration of books and other library materials (118), Libraries; Library science. Information science; The collections. The books (108), Physical parameters (84), etc. (78), Photography (72), Book industries and trade; Bookbinding. Book decoration (70), Photography; Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (65), technique (36), Manufactures; Paper manufacture and trade (36), safety (28), security (28), lighting (27), space utilization (27), medical photography (25), commercial (24), Print media (23), photocopying processes (22), Visual Arts. Examination and conservation of works of art (20), Photography; Applied photography; Including artistic (20), Museums. Collectors and collecting; Museology. Museum methods (17), Subject bibliography; Subjects arranged in alphabetical sequence (16), typesetting (14), history (13), maps (13), Libraries; Library buildings. Library architecture Including planning (13), paper and ink (12), photography (12), serials (12), microforms (12), type and type founding (12), Diplomatics. Archives. Seals; Archives (12), layout (12), machinery (12), presswork (12), desktop publishing (12), electrotyping (12), Archives (11), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; History of books and bookmaking (11), Painting (10), Libraries; The collections. The books; Physical parameters (9), Special classes of materials Including manuscripts (8), Visual Arts (8), museum methods (7), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Manuscripts. Paleography (7), Book industries and trade; Printing; Practical Printing; Including printing as a business (7), archives (7), Mathematical geography. Cartography (6), Visual Arts. History (6), Museums. Collectors and collecting (6), Special situations and conditions (6), materials (6), Libraries (6), General (6), Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene (6), History (5), Book industries and trade; Printing; History (5), museology (5), Chemistry (5), Visual Arts; Examination and conservation of works of art (5), Book industries and trade; Bookselling and publishing (5), Manufactures (5), History of printmaking (5), Painting; Illuminating of manuscripts and books (5), Architecture. Architectural drawing and design (5), Zoology (5), Visual Arts. History. (5), United States (5), The collections. The books - Physical parameters (4), Library buildings. Library architecture; Including planning (4), philosophy (4), fire (4), cartography (4), Manufactures; Leather industries. Tanning (4), conservation (4), techniques (4), Law of the United States. Federal law. Common and collective state law (4), Examination and conservation of works of art (4), applied photography (4), paper manufacture and trade (4), Photography - Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (4), decorative arts (4), Decorative Arts; Wallpapers (4), photographic processing (4), printing (4), Lithography (4), burglary (4), local history (4), Book industries and trade (4), restoration (4), print media (3), Drawing. Design. Illustration. Illustration (3), psychology. Bibliography. Documentation (3), Drawing. Design. Illustration. Graphic art materials (3), Visual Arts. Art and the state. Public art (3), Physics (3), Museums. Collectors and collecting - Museology. Museum methods (3), posters (3), Photography; Color photography (3), birds (3), Including planning (3), book decoration (3), Photography; Color Photography (3), General works (3), Print media; Printmaking and engraving; History of printmaking (3), Painting. Technique and materials (3), Diplomatics. Archives. Seals - Archives - History and statistics - By region or country (3), Technology (3), Libraries; Library science. Information science; The collections. The books; Bookbinding (3), Chemical technology (3), globes (3), reading (3), Library science. Information science; Library education. Research (3), Building Construction; Protection of Buildings; Including protection from dampness (3), Libraries; Library buildings. Library architecture; Including planning (3), Library science. Information science (3), Chordates. Vertebrates (3), collectors and collecting - Museology. Museum methods (3), Bookbinding. Book decoration (3), Birds (3), Archaeology; Preservation (3), etc (3), Museums (3), Libraries; Reproduction of library materials. Storage media of library materials (3), zoology (3), Wood engraving (3), Decorative Arts; Wallpaper (3), history of printmaking (3), bookbinding (3), modeling (3), Internal Medicine (3), Japanese prints (3), Paper manufacture and trade (3), Radiation physics (General) (3), Illuminating of manuscripts and books (3), Science (General) (3), and conservation of antiquities. Antiquities and state (3), museology. museum methods (3), Libraries; Library reports. History. Statistics (3), bookplates (3), Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General); Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials (2), Decorative Arts; Other arts and art industries (2), Museums. Collectors and Collecting; Museology. Museum methods (2), General; Mechanical drawing. Engineering graphics (2), Libraries; Library Science. Information science; The collections. The books; Cataloguing (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Calligraphy. Penmanship (2), the books. Physical parameters (2), Building Construction; Environmental engineering of buildings. Sanitary engineering of buildings (2), Book industries and trade; Book design; Practical printing; Including printing as a business (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Writing; Manuscripts. Paleography (2), Printing; History (2), The Collections (2), Book industries and trade; Treatises on the modern printed book (2), the Books; Physical parameters (2), Photography; Photomechanical processes (2), Thefts and losses of books and other library materials (2), Book industries and trade; Printing; Printers and printing establishments (2), Physics; Optics. Light (2), Book industries and trade; Book design (2), Libraries; Finance (2), Photography; Cinematography. Motion pictures (2), Libraries; Library science. Information science; Reproduction of library materials. Storage media of library materials. (2), Stack management. Disposition of books on shelves (2), Painting; Watercolor painting (2), Photography; Studio and laboratory (2), Book industries and Trade; Bookbinding. Book decoration (2), Libraries; Library buildings. Library architecture (2), General Bibliography; Introduction to bibliography. Theory (2), Diplomatics. Archives. Seals - Archives (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Writing (2), Principles for the Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials (IFLA professional reports) (2), National Bibliography; United States (2), Museums; Museology. Museum methods (2), Libraries; Library science. Information science; The collections. The books; Special collections (2), Painting; Examination and conservation of paintings (2), Architecture. Special classes of buildings (2), The Collections. The Books. Physical parameters (2), collectors and collecting (2), American Literature (2), General Works (2), photocopying process (2), library planning (2), Insurance (2), Bookbinding (2), Internal medicine (2), information science (2), photomechanical processes (2), Globe making. Globes (2), Cartographers (2), United States local history (2), practical printing (2), conservation of library materials (2), physical parameters (2), motion pictures (2), caricature (2), Museology. Museum methods (2), exhibition (2), art (2), manuscripts (2), New England (2), paper (2), drawings (2), library science (2), North America (2), galleries (2), air pollution (2), watermarks (2), lithography (2), film posters (2), Drawing. Design. Illustration. (2), geographical distribution (2), concrete construction (2), watercolor painting (2), Special subjects (2), Libraries; The collections. The books. Physical parameters (2), etc. Map libraries (2), Drawing. Design. Illustration. Printed ephemera. Imagerie populaire (2), Books (General). Writing. Paleography (2), Visual Arts; Art studios (2), Painting. History (2), Manufactures - Paper manufacture and trade (2), Architecture - Architectural drawing and design (2), Decorative arts. Special subjects for design. (2), Visual Arts. Art studios (2), Conservation and restoration of prints (2), Visual Arts. General Works. (2), conservation and restoration of books and other library materials. (2), Visual Arts; History (2), Museums. Collectors and Collecting - Museology. Museum methods (2), Visual Arts. General. (2), United States - History - General (2), Examination and conservation of paintings (2), Mathematical geography. Cartography. Maps. By region or country. (2), Book industries and trade - Printing (2), The collections. The books (2), Painting - Technique and materials (2), Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering; Electronics (1), Chemical Technology; Chemical Engineering (1), Architecture; Architectural drawing and design (1), Literature on Music. Psychology (1), Chemistry; General; Including alchemy (1), Painting; Technique and materials (1), Chemical technology; Polymers and polymer manufacture (1), Physics; Radiation physics (General) (1), Printmaking and engraving; Study and teaching (1), duplicates) (1), Libraries; The Collections. The books; Physical parameters (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Paper. Watermarks (1), Special aspects of education ; Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education (1), Visual Arts; Art museums (1), Book industries and trade; Printing; Paper. Watermarks (1), radar (1), history of printing (1), Print Media; Japanese Prints (1), Museums.Museology. Museum methods (1), Archaeology. Preservation (1), Library buildings. Library architecture (1), radio (1), television (1), Etching and aquatint (1), regional (1), Printing; history (1), telephone (1), architecture as a profession (1), Chemistry; Organic chemistry (1), Photography; Overexposure : Health Hazards in Photography (1), Painting: Technique and materials (1), Painting; Portraits (1), Painting; History (1), Libraries; Library information networks (1), Engineering (General). Civil Engineering; Materials of engineering and construction. Mechanics of materials (1), Manufactures; Metal manufactures. Metalworking (1), Internal Medicine; Industrial medicine. Industrial hygiene (1), Technology (General) (1), The collections. The books; processing (1), Architecture; Special classes of buildings; Classed by use; Public Buildings (1), The collections. The books. Cataloguing (1), Photographty; Photographic processing. Darkroom technique (1), Applied photography; Including artistic (1), Books (General). Writing. Paleography; Cataloging (1), Manufacture; Paper manufacture and trade (1), Technology (General); Exhibitions. Trade shows. World's fairs (1), Human ecology. Anthropogeography (1), The collections. The books - Cataloging (1), Photography; Applied phootography; Including artistic (1), including planning (1), Mathematical geography. Cartography - Maps. By region or country (1), Manufactures; Textile industries (1), Handicrafts. Arts and crafts; Painting. Wood finishing (1), Naval science (General) (1), Manufactures; Paper manufacture and trademmmm (1), Including telegraphy (1), The Books; Physical parameters (1), Building construction; Architectural engineering. Structural engineering of buildings (1), including protection from dampness (1), Building Construction; Protection of buildings (1), Book Industries and Trade - Bookbinding. Book decoration (1), Libraries; The Collections (1), Electrical engineering. Electronics. Nuclear engineering; Telecommunication (1), Manufacttures; Paper manufacture and trade (1)
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Jul 15, 2008