
About My Library
This is a legacy library created for my father who passed away in 2020 at the age of 86. We shared a love of books and learning. As I cataloged his books, I kept thinking how much fun it would have been to do this while he was still alive. We could have discussed each book and what it meant to him. Now, I will never know his connection to most of them. On the other hand, while we both loved books, he didn't share my love of cataloging.
About Me
My father was born on the family farm in southern Minnesota in 1934 to first generation Americans of Scandinavian descent. He was educated in a one room school house until the 7th grade and then attended the local high school, graduating in 1952. He volunteered and served in the army from 1954-1956. He graduated from college in 1958, the second college graduate in his family as his mother had graduated from St Olaf's Teachers College.
Minnesota, USA