All collections (1,556), Adult (667), Youth (133), Children (756)
YT - Picture Books (184), YF (176), YG - Legends (130), YS - Biography (85), YC - Comics and Graphic Novels (65), R - Residential Schools (41), DC - Inuit (37), CM - Metis (37), WA - Fine Arts - Northwest Coast (32), CX - North America (32), YP - Poetry (30), YR - Anthologies and Oratory Prose (29), Raven Tales (29), CU - United States (27), Trickster Tales (26), CA - History - Canada - First Nations (24), ET - Curriculum Materials (22), W - Fine Arts (22), Inuit (22), BA - History & Culture - BC First Nations (19), A - Reference (18), YG (17), TA - World View - First Nations (15), SN - Nutrition and Ethnobotany (14), Theatre (14), YK - Drama (14), MC - Rights and Title - Canada (14), Plays (14), WF - Beadwork (13), BJS - Sto:lo (11), WM - Music and Dance (10), WJ - Traditional Dress (10), Legends (10), NB - Environmental - General (10), Haida (10), YO - Oral Tradition (9), ETE - Elementary Curricula (9), CG - Iroquoian (9), WW - Weaving and Basketry (9), PW - Women (9), Metis (9), Algonkian (8), ETW - Class Sets (8), BQ - Archaeology - BC (8), Sto:lo (8), PY - Youth/Children (8), Coast Salish (8), Cree (8), WE - Fine Arts - Plains (8), PE - Elders (8), XCM - Language - Michif (8), XCC - Language - Cree (8), BC - Haida (8), PS - Sports and Recreation (8), Northwest Coast (7), BD - Tsimshian (7), CD - Siouan (7), WA (7), CB - Algonkian (7), EW - Native Studies (7), Class Set (7), CA - History - First Nations (7), BF - Nuu-Chah-Nulth (6), XCH - Language - Ojibwa (6), CBF - Mi'kmaq (6), Mi'kmaq (6), SC - Alcohol and Drugs (6), BE - Kwakwaka'wakw (6), EC - Education - Canada (5), XMA - Language - Inuktitut (5), CBC - Cree (5), Ethnobotony (5), Dakota (5), YT - Inuit (5), CBH - Ojibwa (5), KH - Self Government - Canada (5), FS - Fishing (4), TB - World View - First Nations - BC (4), BJ - Coast Salish (4), MB - Title and Land History - BC (4), SM - Mental Health (4), Ojibwa (4), Sechelt (4), XFC - Language - Halkomelem (4), XH - Language - Tsimshian (4), WQ - Quillwork (4), BQC (3), Archaeology - Canada (3), BDE - Nisga'a (3), YT - Tsimshian (3), XCF - Language - Mi'kmaq (3), WK - Knitting and Needlepoint (3), WG - Carving and Woodwork (3), D - International (3), H - Criminal Justice System (3), WL - Leatherwork (3), XBE - Language - Tlicho (3), SA - Health - Canada (3), CCD - Denesuline (3), PDC - Museums (3), BB - Natural History and Geography - BC (3), World View - First Nations (3), Pow wow (3), Totem Poles (3), Fine Arts (3), Okanagan (3), Kwakwaka'wakw (3), FSQ - Salmon (3), C - History (3), KX - Indian Policies of Canada - Colonization (2), North America (2), Art (2), YT - Circle Books (2), BKD - Stl'atl'imx (2), PG - Community Development (2), Tsimshian (2), CC - Dene (2), YG - Ojibwa (2), CBB - Blackfoot (2), Flute CD (2), YG - Ojibway (2), CH - Beothuck (2), YM - Film (2), XBB - Language - Carrier (2), Siouan (2), J - Constitution (Canada) and First Nations (2), XFG - Language - Secwepemc (Shuswap) (2), FSK - Fishing - Commercial (2), Mohawk (2), Tilingit (2), ETS - Secondary Curricula (2), SF - Family Life (2), S - Health (2), PF - War Effort - Veterans (2), West Coast (2), M - Rights and Title (2), Literacy (2), E - Education (2), SW - Social Services - British Columbia (2), Natural Resources (2), SP - Psychology (2), BN - Athapascan (2), Heiltsuk First Nation (1), YT - Lakota (1), YF - Inuit (1), YT - Metis (1), 7 Generations Book 4 (1), Nutrition and Ethnobotany (1), 7 Generations Book 3 (1), WA - Totem Poles (1), R - Smallpox (1), YF - Maori (1), 7 Generations Book 2 (1), 7 Generations Book 1 (1), Salmonoid Enhancement (1), Self Government - Canada (1), Constitiution - Canada (1), TA - World View - Medicine Wheel (1), YG - Mohawk (1), Dunne Za (Beaver) (1), YG - Okanagan (1), Okanagan - Fiction (1), Northern Lights - Fiction (1), Ojibwa - Fiction (1), Algonkian - Fiction (1), Indian Policies of Canada (1), Rights and Title - Nova Scotia (1), YS - Picture Books (1), BA - BC First Nations (1), Nlaka'pamux (1), NB - Environmental - General - Bears (1), YG - Hawaii (1), BKO - Okanagan (1), BP - Tlingit (1), Kaska-Dene (1), YT - Choctaw (1), FBA - Economic Development - Canada (1), FBC - Economic Development - BC First Nations (1), HG - Human Rights (1), MCC - Rights and Title - Saskatchewan (1), MCH - Rights and Title Nova Scotia (1), B - BC History and Culture (1), MD - Rights and Title - United States (1), YT - Residential School (1), Secwepemc (Shushwap) (1), BKN - Nlaka'pamux (1), Rights and Title - Saskatchewan (1), YO - Sto:lo (1), YF - Metis (1), TB - World View - First Nations - United Sates (1), TB - World View - First Nations - Canada (1), YT - Cree Language (1), YF - World War 1 (1), Seasons Language (1), ETE - Elementary Curricula Archaeology (1), YF - Residential Schools (1), YG - Tilingit (1), YT - Algonkian (1), YF - Carrier (1), BKE - Secwepemc (Shushwap) (1), Frank Calder (1), United States (1), YF - Sto:lo (1), Nutrition (1), Language (1), Horses (1), South America (1), Short stories (1), Seasons (1), Radio (1), Fishing (1), Racism (1), Television (1), Human Rights (1), Seneca (1), Family Life (1), Economic Development (1), Salmon (1), Natural Resource Management (1), Mathematics (1), Stars (1), Music and Dance (1), Edward Curtis (1), Cherokee (1), Vancouver (1), Blackfoot (1), Bill of Rights (1), Archelology (1), Dene (1), YS (1), Pauline Johnson (1), Leadership (1), Residential Schools (1), Potlatch (1), Social Services (1), Canada (1), Comics and Graphic Novels (1), WG (1), BND (1), Elementary Curriculum (1), Fishing Rights (1), YG - Squamish (1), YT - Death (1), Traditional Teaching (1), SCF - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (1), Rights and Title (1), B.C. Historical Fiction (1), Alcohol and Drugs (1), Yinka Dene (1), YT - Rocks (1), FBN - Business Training (1), YF - Mohawk (1), YT - Natural Resources (1), YT - Coast Salish (1), YT - Haida (1), YF - Tsimshian (1), YT - Siouan (1), YG - Tsimshian (1), ECA - Education - BC (1), XHD - Language - Gitksan (1), NN - Hydro Project Dams (1), DCN - Nunavut (1), T - Worldview - General (1), BK - Interior Salish (1), P - Community Resources (1), Sun (1), BNA - Carrier (1), CE - Apache (1), BNM - Tsilhqot'in (1), CGB - Mohawk (1), NS - Mining (1), CBG - Innu and Naskapi (1), WD - Fine Arts - Woodland (1), XJ - Language - Haida (1), PT - Urbanization (1), CCE - Tlicho (1), CCJ - Gwich'in (1), BM - Ktunaxa (1), Fine Arts - Woodland (1)
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Feb 3, 2012
Real Name
Ray and Millie Silver Aboriginal Library
3277 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4Y9