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Dec 1, 2005
About My Library
My house is overflowing with my books as I have not enough bookshelves to put them on. Which makes it a bit of a pain when I feel the urge to reread a particular book and can't for the life of me find it.

I haven't catalogged every book I have on this site yet, but hopefully I will soon.

I used to have more books - about 50 or so more but they were given away during the last house move as there was no room for them.

About Me
I'm a bookworm, a gamer, an anime and manga fan and I love the colour Purple.

I also write fantasy stories, some of which are on my website and a few of said stories I will have to update with new chapters and the like.

I mainly read Fantasy books, occasionally I will read some Sci-Fi books or some Memoirs. Really depends on what kind of a mood I'm in.
Sydney, Australia
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