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Nov 22, 2020
Real Name
Ron Schuler
About Me

Ron Schuler is the author of an American history, THE STEEL BAR: PITTSBURGH LAWYERS AND THE MAKING OF AMERICA (2019), and a novel of old Los Angeles, ANGELEÑOS: L.A.'S GOLDEN AGE (2020). His profile of actress Sonia Darrin, "Whatever Happened to Agnes Lowzier?," appeared in NOIR CITY SENTINEL ANNUAL #3 (2011).

Schuler has been the managing partner of the Pittsburgh office of a regional law firm for over a decade, and has been practicing corporate, M&A, start-up, technology, and securities law for over 30 years. A native Southern Californian and grandson of Mexican immigrants, Schuler is a graduate of Pomona College and Cornell Law School. He was a lead member of the City of Pittsburgh's legal team for the planning and construction of PNC Park, home to Major League Baseball's Pittsburgh Pirates, and was the author of the "Forbes Field II Task Force Final Report" (1996), the urban planning justification for PNC Park's location. He is also the founding chairman of Pittsburgh's community-supported jazz radio station, WZUM-FM. He was elected as a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation in 2021.

He is currently at work on a history/memoir, SEVEN BALLPARKS IN PITTSBURGH.
