science fiction (99), non-fiction (44), short stories (26), fantasy fiction (24), Ancient Egypt (14), egyptology (13), gay science fiction (10), gay fiction (9), Samuel R. Delany (7), essays (6), feminist science fiction (6), Saga of the Seven Suns series (6), speculative fiction (6), Tales of the City series (5), Wess'har Wars (5), historical fiction (5), Chinese painting (4), gay comics (4), fiction (4), Neveryona series (4), books (4), biography (4), Leonard & Larry (4), Wraeththu series (4), literary criticism (3), near future fiction (3), autobiography (3), musicology (3), global warming (3), Georgia O'Keeffe (2), science fiction studies (2), Karnak Temple (2), Earthsea Cycle (2), african-american literature (2), paintings (2), information theory (2), book history (2), bibliography (2), fantasy (2), Alice B. Sheldon (1), Oxford English Dictionary (1), Klezmer (1), experimental music (1), Dmitry Shostakovich (1), Wicked Witch of the West (1), Egyptian Museum (1), Egyptian Museim in Cairo (1), alphabet (1), egypotology (1), Elton John (1), native american historical fiction (1), Pompeii (1), Dracula (1), Knights Templar (1), gay male fiction (1), preservation (1), Vlad the Impaler (1), Valdemar (1), Calvin and Hobbes (1), "Ace 19681" (1), impossibility (1), post-apocalyptic science fiction (1), Alexander the Great (1), Stardance (1), Queen Hatshepsut (1), findability (1), Ludwig van Beethoven (1), ideas (1), music (1), libraries (1), cyberpunk (1), contemporary fiction (1), letters (1), cats (1), Harry Potter (1), sexuality (1), writing (1), knowledge (1), novel (1), alternate history (1), archaeology (1), culture (1), conspiracy theories (1), science (1), language (1), horror (1), humor (1), cosmology (1), space opera (1), James Tiptree Jr. (1), intellectual life (1), esssays (1), gentrification (1), Valley of the Kings (1), urban culture (1), science fiction television (1), Yoko Ono (1), string quartets (1), Heralds of Valdemar series (1), gay fantasy (1), information architecture (1), complete works (1), Firefly (1), periodicals (1), serials (1), Snow White (1), 20th century german literature (1), history of civilization (1), correspondence (1), history of ideas (1), comic strips (1), Six Feet Under HBO series (1)
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Jun 10, 2008
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About My Library
This represents the portion of my library that is not currently in storage, or what I've recently acquired, with the exception of the Delany works which I have kept out of storage.
About Me
I'm a librarian who has been cataloging for many years, and now have another outlet for my desire to apply order to the chaos that is the world...
San Diego, CA
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